Stonefox Enema

I am the youngest of three children and the only one my mother breastfed. I was born at a time when it was vogue for women to formula feed their children, but by the time I came along my mother wanted to experience breastfeeding, and did she! 22 months of nothing but breastfeeding — no bottles, no solid food, no pacifier. The result? Her youngest child is a wayward Democrat, whereas the other two are God-fearing, law-abiding Republicans. Oh vile, evil breast!

Pediatricians say that it is perfectly normal for a breastfed baby to go several days without a bowel movement. Some breastfed babies can even go a week without pooping. My mother says that after I passed all of my meconium poops (the black, tar-like sludge that comes out of babies in their first days of life) I didn’t have a normal bowel movement for over 14 days. She called my pediatrician several times concerned that something was wrong with my inner workings. He assured her that this was normal and that I would grow up a healthy, intact kid with normal plumbing, albeit one who would eventually grow up and vote for John Kerry. Sorry, Mom, you can’t have everything!


This video examination begins after a 10 second pause. Martorana just completed her rotation in our family medicine site. I assist in the training of.

Stonefox Extended Mix Alok, Liu, Stonefox Armada Music Albums. The Garden Flyboy Remix FlyBoy. The enema soaps can be used one of two ways: you can flake bits off the bar of soap with a peeler or knife, or you can put the enema soap into your water directly, in a cup or in your enema bag, like in the wonderful silicone enema bag. When placing the enema soap directly into water, just drop it in the enema bag and let the soap sit in the.

As it turns out, I’m a pretty healthy kid, moderately intact and surprisingly good with multiplication tables. But we all know that there is nothing normal about my plumbing. Those first 14 poopless days did something awful to my bottom system, and I have suffered constipation my entire life. And when I say suffered, I mean pain that only women who have given birth without drugs can understand. I have had bouts of constipation more agonizing than the pains of labor. If they made epidurals for pooping they would have to name it after me, The Dooce Poopidural.

Haven’t pooped today? Try The Dooce Poopidural. Numbs your ass so you can pass!

I don’t have enough fingers or toes to count how many times in my life I have gone multiple days without proper regulation. I remember my fifth birthday party when I swallowed over 200 gumballs in less than a half hour, a strategy I employed to keep my older brother from stealing any of them. Five days later my mother sat on the edge of the bathtub holding both of my hands, coaching me through pain management techniques as the gumball tried to find an exit out of my body. I think I pushed so hard that it eventually came out of my foot.

There was that one time when I was living in West Hollywood and had just reintroduced meat into my diet after eight years of being a strict vegetarian. I was living with my boyfriend at the time, and we had guests staying with us for the weekend. I spent over two hours in the bathroom praying fervently to the god of poop that he might spare my life and let me return to the guests waiting in the living room. I finally had to call my boyfriend over to the bathroom door where I whispered, “You’re going to have to get me an enema, otherwise I won’t come out alive.” My boyfriend and one of our guests, another male, walked a couple blocks down to the Sav-On drugstore on La Cienega in the most homosexual neighborhood in Southern California and bought two Fleets Enemas “for my girlfriend back home.” I’m sure the cashier was thinking, “RIIIIGHT. I get it. These enemas are for the girlfriend.”

My system is so sensitive that if my daily routine varies even slightly my body forgets how to poop. I have to drink two cups of coffee at the same time every morning. I have to drink at least a half gallon of water and eat at least one bowl of bran-infused cereal a day. At four o’clock every afternoon I stand in the middle of the backyard, hold out my arms, turn in three circles to the left, then one to the right, touch my toes and clap my hands twice. If I forget and only clap my hands once I don’t poop. If the wind changes direction I don’t poop.

Stonefox Enema

Leta has no problems pooping, thank the Lord God, Jesus H. Passion of the Christ. She has pooped at least once every day since the day she was born. I am insanely happy about this, but I know that life has a way of compensating and it may mean that she’s going to grow up to become a registered Republican. At least she’ll be a pooping Republican, one that isn’t full of shit.

I’ve already trained her to think that pooping is funny. It’s part of my master plan to raise a crass, tasteless little fuck. She is so regular that she only poops when she is breastfeeding, and it causes her to stop sucking, her mouth still attached to my, you know, milk producer (I promised myself that I wouldn’t mention my boobs in this post, and I know I just did, but since it occurred in between parentheses it doesn’t count), and she grunts and wrinkles her eyebrows. I know that the grunting means that she’s pooping, but it looks like she’s angry at my (boob) and that she’s trying to tell it, “Are you talking to me? I know I need you, but you are NOTHING without me.”

And I can’t help but laugh at my angry little pooper, her hands up my shirt. And she sees me laughing, so she laughs, and now every time she poops she laughs. And a house full of laughter and poop is a house full of love. This house is bursting with poop and love, at least for as long as I remember to clap twice.

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Subject: Our First Enemas

[ Next Thread |Previous Thread |Next Message |Previous Message] Date Posted:00:25:42 06/22/10 Tue
When I was six and my sister was seven, we went into a foster home for various family related reasons. Our new foster mom treated us very good but was also very strict about our health and us having eating right and having regular BM's. The first night we were there, she told us that she wasn't sure if we were constipated or had worms, and that she would give us both a very good soap enema that night before we had our baths and went to bed. When we asked what an enema was, she told us that it would make us both make lots of caca that very night. Neither of us believed her because the only thing we had had before was laxatives and it usually took until the next day to work if it worked at all. We were both in just our underpants in the living room when we saw her open the linen closet and take out what looked like a red hot water bottle but with a hose attached that had a black tip on the end. My sister got called to the bathroom first, and when she came out an hour later (cleaned out and bathed) her face was red and she told me that I would be on the toilet going alot in just a few minutes. I thought she was just telling me one of her stories, but a few minutes later I was called to the bathroom and shortly after I was laying over my foster mom's lap with my underpants down and with hose up my butt and the enema was going in and I had the strongest urge to make caca that I ever had had, plus a big tummy ache too. I was then too, much to my discomfort and surprise, a real believer in the the power of the enema bag. When I came out of the bathroom, my sister said 'I told you so', and there was nothing I could think of to answer her back.
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[> Subject: Re: Our First Enemas

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Date Posted:06:59:59 06/23/10 Wed
My first one must have been when I was too young to remember.
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[> [> Subject: Re: Our First Enemas

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Date Posted:07:08:17 08/10/10 Tue
You're not alone on that!
My sister is 10 years older than I am. She remembers having to hold me in position when I was only a few weeks old, while mom gave me an enema with an infant bulb.
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[> Subject: Re: Our First Enemas

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Date Posted:14:03:54 06/25/10 Fri
I remember getting enemas as a preschooler, but none were special beyond being something I didn't like to happen. But the first special enema I really remember was when I was nine and we moved into our new house. After a couple days of getting stuff put into the right spots, mom noticed I was a bit quiet (by my normal standards) and asked if something was wrong. I just said 'I can't go' and mom said, 'well Dee, you will have the honor of being the first person to get an enema in this house. And we'll make it very special by letting you use the bag, not the syringe.'
I don't know why it felt so special to get an enema fromthe bag ... but mom made it seem special. When dad and my brothers went back to the old house to get one of the last loads of boxes, Mom said 'let's do it' and I ran (I don't know why) to the bathroom and undressed without being told.
She administered a small enema as I laid over her lap, then I expelled, and she gave me another and when she was giving me the third enema, I began to feel much better.
As I was expelling the last enema, she put the stuff away and no one, except mom and me, knew that I had gotten a very special enema in our new house. She said it would be our secret. And it was
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[> Subject: Re: Our First Enemas

Little Sarah
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Date Posted:16:11:10 06/25/10 Fri
I was 4 or 5 and had a bad cold. Mom came along with the enema can and told me it was for me (until then, it had always been for her). It wouldnt hurt and I would feel better after the enema. She asked me to receive the enema without fuss or crying - like she had received her enema when I was born. So I did. It didnt hurt and I felt better after the enema. Afterwards everyone we knew was told Little Sarah had received her 1st enema like a lady - gitl was I proud!
Clystered hugs
Little Sarah
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[> Subject: Re: Our First Enemas

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Date Posted:09:13:19 06/26/10 Sat
When I should receive my 1st enema, I was very afraid. Mom told me it wouldnt hurt - but I was still afraid. Mom called Grandma and Grandma gave Mom an enema to show me it doenst hurt. Then it was my time.
Later I did the same with my 3 daughters.
And before my (by now) 2 grandaughters got their 1 st enemas, my daughters called me and I gave 1st my daughter and then my granddaughter an enema.
Enemaed hugs
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[> Subject: Re: Our First Enemas

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Date Posted:10:10:35 06/27/10 Sun
I got enemas from such a very young age that I don't remember even getting the first one. It was from a bulb which is what I got until maybe age 7 at which point all enemas were given from our family's combination syringe.
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[> [> Subject: Re: Our First Enemas

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Date Posted:10:07:38 06/28/10 Mon
I can't remember my first enemas, than again I can't remember when I wasn't getting enemas on a regular basis. Mom did not need a reason. If she or one of us kids needed an enema than we all got one. Assembly line style. First little sis, and while she was on the potty chair I got mine over the lap, than big bro got his on the floor as I was on the toilet and had to be finished when he was full and finally Mom took hers. Dad never took or gave an enema to any of us.
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[> Subject: Re: Our First Enemas

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Date Posted:15:13:38 06/28/10 Mon
My first enema was at age 12 when my periods started. By the time my period was over I was pretty constipated. Mom told me that after every one of her periods she took an enema and now after my periods she would give me an enema and it was just a part of being sexually mature.
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[> [> Subject: Period Enemas

Little Sarah
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Date Posted:18:45:27 06/28/10 Mon
My grandmother, my mother and my older sister Helen have always taken enemas at the beginning of their periods. And when my periods started, Mom asked me if I wanted to try period enemas too - I wanted, and I have contimued. Later my 4 daughter decided to receive period enemas - several of their classmates knew this and found it a good idea. I am sure later my granddaughter will also receive period enemas.
Enemaed hugs
Little Sarah
BTW, Mom gave me several enemas before my first period.
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[> Subject: Re: Our First Enemas

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Date Posted:17:12:00 06/30/10 Wed
At Christmas in the early 1950's, when I was seven, I got what I wanted most, a play doctor kit. It included a light weight white Doctor's top, stethoscope, wooden thermometer, plastic ear scope, and one of those bands doctor's wear on their head with the round disk to look into eyes. I never imagined at that time that this would play any part in me getting my first enema....which I didn't even know what an enema was at that time because I had never gotten one. A few months later when the flu was going around in school as it always did when Winter was petering out, I got it and had to be in bed and take medicine for a few days until the fever subsided. I guess I did not have a BM during that week and my Mother told me that something that Doctors do (and take) regular, a soap suds enema, was something that was needed. Before I could ask about what it was and if it didn't feel good, she told me that she would need my expert help as a little doctor to get everything ready and I was in my glory. After being told to take off my pajamas and to make sure I took off my underpants too (something that took me aback, a little) I entered the bathroom bare assed but all decked out in my doctor's regalia. She had me help her fill a red rubber bag (after instructing me snap closed a clamp on the hose that was attached to the bottom of the bag) and add liquid white soap and coat a little black tip at the end of the hose with Vaseline Jelly. I did all of this trying to act very maturely & very medically serious. Mom then hung the bag on a hook on the wall near the bath tub and sat on the flat edge and took me across her lap tummy side down and butt side up. I didn't worry when she spread my butt cheeks and put the little black tip up my rectum because it was just like getting my temperature taken there and the cool, chilly sensation of insertion was even better. Then she said 'well Doctor, are we ready to start, and I said (with gusto in a commanding tone) 'yes Nurse, begin the enema...where upon she moved the hose clamp near me and told me 'OK Doctor, unsnap the clamp!'
For a few seconds, I didn't feel anything and then I felt the awful rush of warm soapy water enter my rectum giving me both a really strong urge to defecate (as it unloosened a large stool right there) and a tummy ache as it quickly made its way in the process of filling and irritating my colon walls and turning all the stools into what would be the biggest and most uncontrollable messy BM I had ever had up to that time. As the bag slowly but surely emptied and I slowly butt miserably filled up, the transformation from serious grown-up medical professional to wining little baby occurred quickly and surely. Near the end, as the bag let go of the last of the water, I was moaning and squirming (causing the head band and stethoscope to fall on the bath room floor - begging to be let to make 'caca!'. Mom had to close the hose clamp and plug my rectum with her finger as she lifted me off her lap and sat me on the toilet since I was in no condition to do anything right then except to go and go and go some more. An hour later, I was completely cleaned out - and back in bed - very red in the face - and rethinking my decision to become a doctor.remembering that Mom said that doctors both give and 'take' enemas. Later on that nite, as I was falling asleep, I heard my Mom giving herself an enema (all of the enema related sounds were now very recognizable to me!) and decided that an enema, now and then, was a (unhappy but very true) fact of life for everyone in those days.
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[> Subject: Re: Our First Enemas

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Date Posted:14:42:09 07/04/10 Sun
I remember to this day my first enema. I was about 10. I had been having some trouble going to the toilet and mom tried to get me to drink some prune juice but I refused to drink it. Grandma came over to the house for dinner and mom was telling her about my problem, and how I refused to drink the prune juice, and how she was going to go to the drugstore and get a children’s laxative and hoped that I would take that. Grandma calmly said, “the girl doesn’t need a laxative, she just needs an enema.” Mom said that was a good idea. I had no idea what that meant, but it couldn’t be as bad as the prune juice.
Later that evening after grandma was gone home mom called me to come into the bathroom. When I got there she told me to take off my shorts and panties and lean over the edge of the bathtub. I had no idea what was happening but at least I didn’t have to drink that horrible prune juice. I felt her lube my butt-hole and then something else was in there. It felt good, but I wondered why mom was taking my temperature like that. She hadn’t done it that way for years. Then I felt a warmth filling me. And then whatever was in my butt-hole was taken out. Mom told me to stay put, but I looked back to see her holding this round bulb thing. “Mommy, what is that?” She told me it is just warm water to make it easier to go to the toilet. Then she refilled the bulb and stuck it in me again and I felt another warm rush. Mom told me to stay still and hold the water in me as long as I could. It was only a few minutes before the urge got real strong and I sat on the toilet and pooped out about a week’s worth. Mom was telling me how sorry she was for having to do that to me but it was for my own good. I’m sitting on the toilet thinking that was kinda fun. Soon after that day I started playing around with the bulb and learned how it worked. I used it frequently, most times only a little water. I wasn’t after the results of an enema as much as I just liked sticking it into my butt and feeling the water go in.
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[> Subject: Re: Our First Enemas

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Date Posted:18:41:24 07/04/10 Sun
In the 1950's, my brother and I (ages 6 and 7) were both home sick in bed for a week with bad colds. At the end of the week before bed, our Mother told us that she was going to give each of us a good soap suds enema. We didn't think much of it since we had both had little ones with a bulb syringe on and off when she thought we needed a little help for a BM. At 8 in the evening she came in and stripped me naked, had me lay on my twin bed on my tummy and put a rectal thermometer up my butt. My brother on his twin bed, still in his pajamas was making funny faces at me because how I looked naked with the thermometer up my butt. Mean while, in the bathroom, it sounded like our Mother was running the water rather long just to fill the little bulb syringe, but we didn't think anything of it too much. A bit later, Mother came in, took the thermometer out of my butt, wiped it clean, read it and then took me by the hand to the bathroom. My brother was still making fun of me as I looked back at him one last time....and I was really mad but what could I do. Once in the bathroom, I saw a bulging full red bag and hose on a hook on the wall, and shortly I came to know, much to my displeasure to put it mildly, that there were little enemas and there were BIG ENEMAS. My only solace was knowing that my brother was going to be next and that he was going to be making funny faces not at me, but because of a big tummy ache and really bad urges to go, that couldn't be answered until the enema bag was empty. As I walked back into the bedroom after a long time on the toilet and my bath (my Mother made up another big soap suds enema just before she took me out of the tub and helped me dry off) my brother was already laying on his twin bed on his tummy with nothing on and with the thermometer up his butt. While my Mother was taking his thermometer out and cleaning and reading it, I whispered to me 'don't worry, it will be fun!'. A few minutes later the sounds I heard him making from the bathroom (right after I heard the sound of the metal hose clamp opened) were definitely not the sounds of him having fun, and I couldn't wait to see him when it was all over. An hour later, he was done on the toilet and bathed and walking into the bedroom giving me a dirty look which I returned with a big mischievous 'got ya' smile!
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[> Subject: Re: Our First Enemas

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Date Posted:15:58:29 07/05/10 Mon
I probably got many enemas when I was very young, but the first one I really remember ... and enjoyed ... was when our family moved from the city to live on a small farm. My dad always wanted to be a gentleman farmer, but still kept his city job. I was 13 at the time.
Well, anyway, one day, during the summer, mom noticed I was 'a little anxious' and suggested an enema. I headed toward the bathroom, but mom stopped me and suggested we use the outdoor privy ... it was sanitary, to a degree.
Mom told me to undress in the house while she made a half-full bag of soapy water, and I walked to the privy wearing just a light robe which she hung on the privy door. She said I should just bend over and put my hands on my knees because I 'was a big girl now and this is the way big girls take enemas.'
Actually, I can remember feeling really good as the soft breeze and warm are hit my body. Mom administered the enema quite gently ... it took only a couple minutes but felt longer than that ... then she said to hold it as long as I could and if I could hold it until she got back, she would give me a dollar ... which was a lot of money for a youngster at that time.
I held it until she got back, but she laughed a bit as she was bringing the bag of rinse enema because I was doing a sort of dance, trying to keep the water in. She told me to relieve myself ... the water just gushed out ... and I was feeling a lot better after expelling the enema and whatever came with it.
I took the whole two quart back of clear water ... that also felt good ... and mom followed it with two rinse enemas. I rememberthat day and can say and many more followed it because I enjoyed the outdoor enemqs.
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Stonefox Enema Ayana

[> Subject: First Enema

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Date Posted:09:59:34 07/06/10 Tue
I was five years old when I got my first enema. My mom had been doing the wash in the morning and told me that my underpants were too soiled for me to be wiping properly and said that unless the problem was too soft and sloppy caca, she would have to spank me. I immediately told her the lie that it was hard to wipe messy caca lots of the time. She said, OK, we'll fix you up real good tonight. A few hours after dinner (I had to have broth because she said that she didn't want the enema to upset my stomach) she led me to my bedroom and told me to get undressed and lay on my back on the rubberized sheet she was laying on the bed. Because she had said something about 'not wanting to upset my stomach' I figured the fixing up was something I would have to take by mouth and wondered why I had to be naked to do that. A few minutes later, both of my folks came into my bedroom. My mom had a bedpan, toilet paper and a jar of petroleum jelly in her arms while my had was carrying a white can with an orange hose. Mom coated a black pipe at the end of the hose with the jelly and my dad, holding the can with one hand, grabbed my legs by the ankles and held them up in the air. Then I felt something slipping into my rectum and saw my mother click something on the hose. With the hand that she was not using to hold the hose up my butt, my mom gently held my penis, all of which felt strangely exciting until I felt a gurgling watery rush in my rectum and got a really bad urge to make caca and a big stomach cramp. I told them I had to go right then and now, but nothing was changed except that I felt more miserable by the minute as bigger and bigger urges to go and more cramps came into my belly. Finally, after what seemed like forever, mom closed the thing on the hose and pulled out the hose and slipped the bedpan under my butt and placed a wet wash cloth over my penis to catch any errant urine sprays. I lost all control over my bowels immediately which surprised me since I had learned to control them by then and I could not believe how much I was going and farting and urinating. When I was done, Mom eased me off the bedpan, turning me on my side, while dad took turns bring the enema can and the bedpan to the bathroom. As I lay there, my mom wiped me really good and said 'here's how you wipe yourself so you don't get such dirty underpants all the time, and have to be 'fixed up' again. It was a lesson well learned and I was really careful about wiping after BM's after that. I did get a few more enemas until I was 12 years old, but they were for constipation and never for dirty underpants.
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[> Subject: Re: Our First Enemas

No Name
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Date Posted:08:12:47 07/07/10 Wed
A few years back I had my first encounter with what my cousin calls a “real” enema. I had been out with her and some friends and we went to this Thai restaurant. We were half drunk and we loaded up our food with extra red pepper sauce to see who would quit first. That night I stayed over at my cousin’s and the next morning when I woke up I had to go real bad. It felt like my ass was on fire. Ouch!!! There were red pepper flakes on the tp. I commented to my cousin that I had a bit of a problem. She said, “Me too!” “We need a good enema to get that out of us.”
I had given myself a couple of bottle enemas from time to time and they burn my ass when normal and I told her that I didn’t think that was a good idea. She told me forget the bottles, we will have a “real enema”. I wasn’t sure what that meant but I was willing to try it because my ass was still on fire. She filled her douche bag with warm water and put in some castile soap. When she was finished with hers she made one up for me. The first bag enema is pretty intimidating to the naive and uninformed but it seemed to help the problem. She said we needed another one to get all of that stuff flushed out of us and to cool us off. She put baking soda in the second one. It sure worked. Since then I bought my own bag and have used it from time to time for similar reasons.
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[> [> Subject: Re: Our First Enemas

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Date Posted:10:10:59 07/07/10 Wed
When I was very small - say five or six years old - I got regular bulb enemas from my mother. I was over her lap on my tummy. Those warm enemas were delightful! There was also an intimacy factor. Because my mum and dad both worked I was looked after by my grandmother (my dad's mother) so, when Mum came home it was a special treat and getting a warm enema was extra special. When I was seven or eight Mum said I was big enough to have a 'grown - up' enema. That was out of an old open top, black rubber bag. She had me lie on my tummy on the floor and she hung the bag high up on the back of the bathroom door. She shook soap flakes into the bag and then, after I had inserted the short, black nozzle she let it pour! OMG I had a terrible time! I took all I could then she let me get on the toilet and evacuate. Then, she had me lay back down on my tummy and gave me another big dose! It took three separate tries for me to get the whole bag! After the third filling I was throroughly empty.
I complained and complained - to no avail. When I told my grandmum exactly what happened she took Mum aside and I guess she educated her about a better way to give an enema. After that Grandmum would help Mum give the enemas and they were much, much better. I think I may have been eleven or twelve when the erotic aspect became a part of my enemas. And I suddenly was much more constipated! Also, I got enemas on the first days of my periods. In all, I developed a great routine with the enema!
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[> Subject: Re: Our First Enemas

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Date Posted:12:04:47 08/07/10 Sat
in 1953 when I was fifteen we, mom, dad, ten year old brother took a cross country trip to Arizona to visit dad's parents who had moved from Jersay right after the war.Mom was always hawkish about watching the regularity of our bowel movements or doing #2 as we called it. on the trip each morning she would give my brother and me a suppository. He really responded to them and usually in twenty minutes was doing #2. I was not so responsive and some times had to be given a second suppository. Every four or five days we were given Ex-Lax. my brother got a single piece and I got two. Ex-Lax reliably made us do #2 in a really thorough fashion.
In Arizona she continued this routine for the two weeks we were there. On the day before we were leaving my grandmother told her she thought we should be given enemas for a thorough cleanout and we were due for an Ex-Lax treatment which my grandmother disapproved of. Neither of us had ever been given enemas. We also learned my mother had never been given one. She was given castor oil when she had a problem going. I knew about enemas mostly because one of my friends was always relating how they gave him boners and how intensely they caused him to jerkoff.
My grandmother mixed the enema in the kitchen. She melted soap in really hot water put that in the bag and then filled the bag half full. My brother was getting his first. My mother was watching to see how to do it and I was watching because my grandmother told me to stay here. everything went fine and my brother was filled and emptied in less then ten minutes.
then it was my turn to get out of my clothes and on the floor on my back. I was terrified that I was going to spring one. I didn't until the enema started to flow into me and I went from limp to hard in about half a second and a small bit of liquid started spilling from my wizzer.
when we were leaving the next day my grandmother gave my mother an enema bag. She said Ex-lax really isn't good for them. A soapy enema is much better and for Jack an enema would be more reliable than a suppository.
Actually my brother got few enemas. I got many usually after dinner or over the weekend.
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