Pokemon Crystal Dust Gameshark Codes

If you are in love with Pokemon characters, you are probably playing the game and enjoying every bit of it. However, if you want to advance on the game, you need to have a few poke balls, improve your stats and get rare candies. If you are looking for Pokemon Crystal Cheats easily get a hold of these facilities. This guide on Pokemon Crystal Cheats will help you to get the solution that you were looking forward to getting. However, here is a complete guide that you can follow to know about how you can get the pokemon liquid crystal cheats, the benefits and all about Game Shark.

  1. Pokemon Crystal Master Ball Gameshark
  2. Pokemon Crystal Master Ball Code
  3. Pokemon Crystal Cheats
  4. Pokemon Crystal Dust Gameshark Codes Ps2
  5. Pokemon Crystal Shiny Cheat Code
  6. Pokemon Crystal Dust Gameshark Codes Cheats
  7. Codes For Pokemon Crystal

MSC Pokemon Crystal Gameshark Codes

  • How the Gameshark Works. What the Codes Mean: The Gameshark works by taking a memory location in the Gameboy game that stores a number, and changing that number. In a Gameshark code, the first two digits represent the memory bank (don't worry, you don't need to know what that is ).
  • How the Gameshark Works. What the Codes Mean: The Gameshark works by taking a memory location in the Gameboy game that stores a number, and changing that number. In a Gameshark code, the first two digits represent the memory bank (don't worry, you don't need to know what that is ).

Money: 910F4ED8 910F4ED8 913F50D8 Dragonite: 019504D2 Arcanine: 013B04D2 Nidoqueen: 0130D8D4 Lugia: 91F904D2 Ho-Oh: 91FA04D2 Celebi: 91FB04D2 ZAPDOS: 919104D.

Infect a Pokemon with the “Pokemon Virus”
(You can tell your Pokemon is infected by PokeRus by viewing the status of the Pokemon. An infected Pokemon will show PokeRus under its status).
Infect 1st Pokemon 010146DA 9101FBDC
Infect 2nd Pokemon 010176DA 91012BDD
Infect 3rd Pokemon 0101A6DA 91015BDD
Infect 4th Pokemon 0101D6DA 91018BDD
Infect 5th Pokemon 010106DB 9101BBDD
Infect 6th Pokemon 010136DB 9101EBDD

Walking through Walls


How to Modify Key Item?

For that you have to First Enable Scrolling for Key Items:
This code MUST BE ON for the Key Item Modifier codes.
Enter the code so you will be able to scroll down to all of the key items.
Replace xx with the amount of key-item slots you are using (Legal digits are from 01 to 0C).
Enable Scrolling
01xxE1D5 91xxBCD8

Gold & Silver Crystal
Slot 1 01xxE2D5 91xxBDD8
Slot 2 01xxE3D5 91xxBED8
Slot 3 01xxE4D5 91xxBFD8
Slot 4 01xxE5D5 91xxC0D8
Slot 5 01xxE6D5 91xxC1D8
Slot 6 01xxE7D5 91xxC2D8
Slot 7 01xxE8D5 91xxC3D8
Slot 8 01xxE9D5 91xxC4D8
Slot 9 01xxEAD5 91xxC5D8
Slot 10 01xxEBD5 91xxC6D8
Slot 11 01xxECD5 91xxC7D8
Slot 12 01xxEDD5 91xxC8D8

Don’t FORGET to Replace xx with any of the codes Below:

07 – Bicycle
36 – Coin Case
37 – Itemfinder
3A – Old Rod
3B – Good Rod
3D – Super Rod
42 – Red Scale
44 – S.S. Ticket
45 – Mystery Egg
46 – Clear Bell (Crystal only)
47 – Silver Wing
73 – GS Ball (Crystal only)
74 – Blue Card (Crystal only)
7F – Card Key
80 – Machine Part
81 – Egg Ticket (Crystal only)
85 – Basement Key
86 – Pass
AF – Squirtbottle
B2 – Rainbow Wing

Always Use Bike

010182D6 91015DD9

Fight any of these following Pokemon

Fight the following Pokemon
91xx04D2 (replace xx with following pokemon codes)
01: Bulbasaur
02: Ivysaur
03: Venusaur
04: Charmander
05: Charmeleon
06: Charizard
07: Squirtle
08: Wartortle
09: Blastoise
0A: Caterpie
0B: Metapod
0C: Butterfree
0D: Weedle
0E: Kakuna
0F: Beedrill
10: Pidgey
11: Pidgeotto
12: Pidgeot
13: Rattata
14: Raticate
15: Spearow
16: Fearow
17: Ekans
18: Arbok
19: Pikachu
1A: Raichu
1B: Sandshrew
1C: Sandslash
1D: Nidoran Female
1E: Nidorina
1F: Nidoqueen
20: Nidoran Male
21: Nidorino
22: nidoking
23: Clefairy
24: Clefable
25: Vulpix
26: Ninetails
27: Jigglypuff
28: Wigglytuff
29: Zubat
2A: Golbat
2B: Oddish
2C: Gloom
2D: Vileplume
2E: Paras
2F: Parasect
30: Venonat
31: Venomoth
32: Diglett
33: Dugtrio
34: Meowth
35: Persian
36: Psyduck
37: Golduck
38: Mankey
39: Primeape
3A: Growlithe
3B: Arcanine
3C: Poliwag
3D: Poliwhirl
3E: Poliwrath
3F: Abra
40: Kadabra
41: Alakazam
42: Machop
43: Machoke
44: Machamp
45: Bellsprout
46: Weepinbell
47: Victreebell
48: Tentacool
49: Tentacruel
4A: Geodude
4B: Graveler
4C: Golem
4D: Ponyta
4E: Rapidash
4F: Slowpoke
50: Slowbro
51: Magnemite
52: Magneton
53: Farfetch’d
54: Doduo
55: Dodrio
56: Seel
57: Dewgong
58: Grimer
59: Muk
5A: Shellder
5B: Cloyster
5C: Gastly
5D: Haunter
5E: Gengar
5F: Onix
60: Drowzee
61: Hypno
62: Krabby
63: Kingler
64: Voltorb
65: Electrode
66: Exeggcute
67: Exeggcutor
68: Cubone
69: Marowak
6A: Hitmonlee
6B: Hitmonchan
6C: Lickitung
6D: Koffing
6E: Weezing
6F: Rhyhorn
70: Rhydon
71: Chansey
72: Tangela
73: Kangaskhan
74: Horsea
75: Seadra
76: Goldeen
77: Seaking
78: Staryu
79: Starmie
7A: Mr. Mime
7B: Scyther
7C: Jynx
7D: Electabuzz
7E: Magmar
7F: Pinsir
80: Tauros
81: Magikarp
82: Gyarados
83: Lapras
84: Ditto
85: Eevee
86: Vaporeon
87: Jolteon
88: Flareon
89: Porygon
8A: Omanyte
8B: Omastar
8C: Kabuto
8D: Kabutops
8E: Aerodactyl
8F: Snorlax
90: Articuno
91: Zapdos
92: Moltres
93: Dratini
94: Dragonair
95: Dragonite
96: Mewtwo
97: Mew
98: Chikorita
99: Bayleef
9A: Meganium
9B: Cyndaquil
9C: Quilava
9D: Typhlosion
9E: Totodile
9F: Croconaw
A0: Feraligatr
A1: Sentret
A2: Furret
A3: Hoothoot
A4: Noctowl
A5: Ledyba
A6: Ledian
A7: Spinarak
A8: Ariados
A9: Crobat
AA: Chinchou
AB: Lanturn
AC: Pichu
AD: Cleffa
AE: Igglybuff
AF: Togepi
B0: Togetic
B1: Natu
B2: Xatu
B3: Mareep
B4: Flaaffy
B5: Ampharos
B6: Bellossom
B7: Marill
B8: Azumaril
B9: Sudowoodo
BA: Politoed
BB: Hoppip
BC: Skiploom
BD: Jumpluff
BE: Aipom
BF: Sunkern
C0: Sunflora
C1: Yanma
C2: Wooper
C3: Quagsire
C4: Espeon
C5: Umbreon
C6: Murkrow
C7: Slowking
C8: Misdreavus
C9: Unown (can show up in any form)
CA: Wobbuffet
CB: Girafarig
CC: Pineco
CD: Forretress
CE: Dunsparce
CF: Gligar
D0: Steelix
D1: Snubbull
D2: Granbull
D3: Qwilfish
D4: Scizor
D5: Shuckle
D6: Heracross
D7: Sneasel
D8: Teddiursa
D9: Ursaring
DA: Slugma
DB: Magcargo
DC: Swinub
DD: Piloswine
DE: Corsola
DF: Remoraid
E0: Octillery
E1: Delibird
E2: Mantine
E3: Skarmory
E4: Houndour
E5: Houndoom
E6: Kingdra
E7: Phanpy
E8: Donphan
E9: Porygon2
EA: Stantler
EB: Smeargle
EC: Tyrogue
ED: Hitmontop
EE: Smoochum
EF: Elekid
F0: Magby
F1: Miltank
F2: Blissey
F3: Raikou
F4: Entei
F5: Suicune
F6: Larvitar
F7: Pupitar
F8: Tyranitar
F9: Lugia
FA: Ho-oh
FB: Celebi

Max Money


Pokemon Stats, HP & PP Modifier

Stats Modifier
Pokemon Gold & Silver Crystal
Max Attack Modifier (Larger) 1st 010350DA 910305DD
Max Attack Modifier (Smaller) 1st 01E751DA 91E706DD
Max Defense Modifier (Larger) 1st 010352DA 910307DD
Max Defense Modifier (Smaller) 1st 01E753DA 91E708DD
Max Speed (Larger) 1st 010354DA 910309DD
Max Speed (Smaller) 1st 01E755DA 91E70ADD
Max Special Attack Modifier (Larger) 1st 010356DA 91030BDD
Max Special Attack Modifier (Smaller) 1st 01E757DA 91E70CDD
Max Special Defense Modifier (Larger) 1st 010358DA 91030DDD
Max Special Defense Modifier (Smaller) 1st 01E759DA 91E70EDD
Max Attack Modifier (Larger) 2nd 010380DA 910335DD
Max Attack Modifier (Smaller) 2nd 01E781DA 91E736DD
Max Defense Modifier (Larger) 2nd 010382DA 910337DD
Max Defense Modifier (Smaller) 2nd 01E783DA 91E738DD
Max Speed (Larger) 2nd 010384DA 910339DD
Max Speed (Smaller) 2nd 01E785DA 91E73ADD
Max Special Attack Modifier (Larger) 2nd 010386DA 91033BDD
Max Special Attack Modifier (Smaller) 2nd 01E787DA 91E73CDD
Max Special Defense Modifier (Larger) 2nd 010388DA 91033DDD
Max Special Defense Modifier (Smaller) 2nd 01E789DA 91E73EDD
Max Attack Modifier (Larger) 3rd 0103B0DA 910365DD
Max Attack Modifier (Smaller) 3rd 01E7B1DA 91E766DD
Max Defense Modifier (Larger) 3rd 0103B2DA 910367DD
Max Defense Modifier (Smaller) 3rd 01E7B3DA 91E768DD
Max Speed (Larger) 3rd 0103B4DA 910369DD
Max Speed (Smaller) 3rd 01E7B5DA 91E76ADD
Max Special Attack Modifier (Larger) 3rd 0103B6DA 91036BDD
Max Special Attack Modifier (Smaller) 3rd 01E7B7DA 91E76CDD
Max Special Defense Modifier (Larger) 3rd 0103B8DA 91036DDD
Max Special Defense Modifier (Smaller) 3rd 01E7B9DA 91E76EDD
Max Attack Modifier (Larger) 4th 0103E0DA 910395DD
Max Attack Modifier (Smaller) 4th 01E7E1DA 91E796DD
Max Defense Modifier (Larger) 4th 0103E2DA 910397DD
Max Defense Modifier (Smaller) 4th 01E7E3DA 91E798DD
Max Speed (Larger) 4th 0103E4DA 910399DD
Max Speed (Smaller) 4th 01E7E5DA 91E79ADD
Max Special Attack Modifier (Larger) 4th 0103E6DA 91039BDD
Max Special Attack Modifier (Smaller) 4th 01E7E7DA 91E79CDD
Max Special Defense Modifier (Larger) 4th 0103E8DA 91039DDD
Max Special Defense Modifier (Smaller) 4th 01E7E9DA 91E79EDD
Max Attack Modifier (Larger) 5th 010310DB 9103C5DD
Max Attack Modifier (Smaller) 5th 01E711DB 91E7C6DD
Max Defense Modifier (Larger) 5th 010312DB 9103C7DD
Max Defense Modifier (Smaller) 5th 01E713DB 91E7C8DD
Max Speed (Larger) 5th 010314DB 9103C9DD
Max Speed (Smaller) 5th 01E715DB 91E7CADD
Max Special Attack Modifier (Larger) 5th 010316DB 9103CBDD
Max Special Attack Modifier (Smaller) 5th 01E717DB 91E7CCDD
Max Special Defense Modifier (Larger) 5th 010318DB 9103CDDD
Max Special Defense Modifier (Smaller) 5th 01E719DB 91E7CEDD
Max Attack Modifier (Larger) 6th 010340DB 9103F5DD
Max Attack Modifier (Smaller) 6th 01E741DB 91E7F6DD
Max Defense Modifier (Larger) 6th 010342DB 9103F7DD
Max Defense Modifier (Smaller) 6th 01E743DB 91E7F8DD
Max Speed (Larger) 6th 010344DB 9103F9DD
Max Speed (Smaller) 6th 01E745DB 91E7FADD
Max Special Attack Modifier (Larger) 6th 010346DB 9103FBDD
Max Special Attack Modifier (Smaller) 6th 01E747DB 91E7FCDD
Max Special Defense Modifier (Larger) 6th 010348DB 9103FDDD
Max Special Defense Modifier (Smaller) 6th 01E749DB 91E7FEDD

HP Modifier
Pokemon Gold & Silver Crystal
Infinite HP (Larger) 1st 01034CDA 910301DD
Infinite HP (Smaller) 1st 01E74DDA 91E702DD
Max HP Modifier (Larger) 1st 01034EDA 910303DD
Max HP Modifier (Smaller) 1st 01E74FDA 91E704DD
Infinite HP (Larger) 2nd 01037CDA 910331DD
Infinite HP (Smaller) 2nd 01E77DDA 91E732DD
Max HP Modifier (Larger) 2nd 01037EDA 910333DD
Max HP Modifier (Smaller) 2nd 01E77FDA 91E734DD
Infinite HP (Larger) 3rd 0103ACDA 910361DD
Infinite HP (Smaller) 3rd 01E7ADDA 91E762DD
Max HP Modifier (Larger) 3rd 0103AEDA 910363DD
Max HP Modifier (Smaller) 3rd 01E7AFDA 91E764DD
Infinite HP (Larger) 4th 0103DCDA 910391DD
Infinite HP (Smaller) 4th 01E7DDDA 91E792DD
Max HP Modifier (Larger) 4th 0103DEDA 910393DD
Max HP Modifier (Smaller) 4th 01E7DFDA 91E794DD
Infinite HP (Larger) 5th 01030CDB 9103C1DD
Infinite HP (Smaller) 5th 01E70DDB 91E7C2DD
Max HP Modifier (Larger) 5th 01030EDB 9103C3DD
Max HP Modifier (Smaller) 5th 01E70FDB 91E7C4DD
Infinite HP (Larger) 6th 01033CDB 9103F1DD
Infinite HP (Smaller) 6th 01E73DDB 91E7F2DD
Max HP Modifier (Larger) 6th 01033EDB 9103F3DD
Max HP Modifier (Smaller) 6th 01E73FDB 91E7F4DD

PP Modifier
Pokemon Gold & Silver Crystal Replace xx with:
Infinite PP (1st move) 1st 01xx41DA 91xxF6DC 00=0 – FF=63
Infinite PP (2nd move) 1st 01xx42DA 91xxF7DC
Infinite PP (3rd move) 1st 01xx43DA 91xxF8DC
Infinite PP (4th move) 1st 01xx44DA 91xxF9DC
Infinite PP (1st move) 2nd 01xx71DA 91xx26DD
Infinite PP (2nd move) 2nd 01xx72DA 91xx27DD
Infinite PP (3rd move) 2nd 01xx73DA 91xx28DD
Infinite PP (4th move) 2nd 01xx74DA 91xx29DD
Infinite PP (1st move) 3rd 01xxA1DA 91xx56DD
Infinite PP (2nd move) 3rd 01xxA2DA 91xx57DD
Infinite PP (3rd move) 3rd 01xxA3DA 91xx58DD
Infinite PP (4th move) 3rd 01xxA4DA 91xx59DD
Infinite PP (1st move) 4th 01xxD1DA 91xx86DD
Infinite PP (2nd move) 4th 01xxD2DA 91xx87DD
Infinite PP (3rd move) 4th 01xxD3DA 91xx88DD
Infinite PP (4th move) 4th 01xxD4DA 91xx89DD
Infinite PP (1st move) 5th 01xx01DB 91xxB6DD
Infinite PP (2nd move) 5th 01xx02DB 91xxB7DD
Infinite PP (3rd move) 5th 01xx03DB 91xxB8DD
Infinite PP (4th move) 5th 01xx04DB 91xxB9DD
Infinite PP (1st move) 6th 01xx31DB 91xxE6DD
Infinite PP (2nd move) 6th 01xx32DB 91xxE7DD
Infinite PP (3rd move) 6th 01xx33DB 91xxE8DD
Infinite PP (4th move) 6th 01xx34DB 91xxE9DD

Max Pokeball

Slot 1 0163FED5 9163D9D8
Slot 2 016300D6 9163DBD8
Slot 3 016302D6 9163DDD8
Slot 4 016304D6 9163DFD8
Slot 5 016306D6 9163E1D8
Slot 6 016308D6 9163E3D8
Slot 7 01630AD6 9163E5D8
Slot 8 01630CD6 9163E7D8
Slot 9 01630ED6 9163E9D8
Slot 10 016310D6 9163EBD8
Slot 11 016312D6 9163EDD8
Slot 12 016314D6 9163EFD8

Happiness Modifier

1st 01xx45DA 91xxFADC
2nd 01xx75DA 91xx2ADD
3rd 01xxA5DA 91xx5ADD
4th 01xxD5DA 91xx8ADD
5th 01xx05DB 91xxBADD
6th 01xx35DB 91xxEADD

Replace xx with one of the following digits:

00: (0) Means your Pokemon hates you (sets Frustration’s base at 102.)
46: (70) Is where you start from after catching or trading.
DA: (218) Is the requirement for happiness evolution.
FF: (255) Is the maximum. (This will set Return’s base damage to 102.)

Have All Badges


Enemy Pokemon Status Modifier

Change xx with anyone the following 91xx14D2
01: SLP (The Pokemon will wake up in the 1st turn).
02: SLP (The Pokemon will wake up in the 2nd turn).
03: SLP (The Pokemon will wake up in the 3rd turn).
04: SLP (The Pokemon will wake up in the 4th turn).
05: SLP (The Pokemon will wake up in the 5th turn).
06: SLP (The Pokemon will wake up in the 6th turn).
07: SLP (The Pokemon will wake up in the 7th turn).
08: PSN (The poison will wear off when you turn off the GameShark switch)
0f: PSN + SLP(wears off when you turn off the GameShark switch)
10: BRN (wears off when you turn off the GameShark switch)
17: BRN + SLP (wears off when you turn off the GameShark switch)
20: FRZ (wears off when you turn off the GameShark switch)
30: FRZ + BRN (wears off when you turn off the GameShark switch)
40: PAR (wears off when you turn off the GameShark switch)

Shiny Pokemon

(You can’t run away during a battle)

Pokemon Gender Modifier

Enemy Pokemon Gender Modifier (This cheat will not work for pokemon that exist only on one gender like Miltank)
Fight Female 010419D1 910430D2
Fight Male 010519D1 910530D2

Transform A Normal Pokemon To A Shiny

1st Pokemon

2nd Pokemon

3rd Pokemon

4th Pokemon

5th Pokemon

6th Pokemon

Hatch an egg instantly

Place the egg in your party. Turn the Gameshark on. Take one step & TURN
THE GAMESHARK OFF. Walk around a few (10 to 40)steps and the egg will hatch.
1st Egg 010145DA 9101FADC
2nd Egg 010175DA 91012ADD
3rd Egg 0101A5DA 91015ADD
4th Egg 0101D5DA 91018ADD
5th Egg 010105DB 9101BADD
6th Egg 010135DB 9101EADD

Pokemon Level Modifier

(Replace xx to the pokemon level you desire)

Steal Trainer’s Pokemon


Infinite EXP

(Max Level Up After Winning A Battle)
Using this cheat, your pokemon will keep growing until reaching level 100 after winning a battle.

Read More: Pokemon Platinum Cheats and Action Replay Codes

Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs]

Q1. Can you buy rare candy in Pokemon Crystal?

A1. Yes, you can always opt to buy rare candy from Pokemon Crystal with the help of 50 points. You can get the points by collecting a lot of Blu cards. However, it is easy to buy, but it takes a lot of time for you to collect Blu cards worth 50 points.

Q2. How do you use GameShark?

Pokemon Crystal Dust Gameshark Codes

A2. If you want to use the GameShark with GBA, you need to insert the cartridge to the GameShark. It will allow you to go to the cheat menu where you can find the cheats representing your game. Find out the appropriate cheat code and enter it while playing the game.

Q3. How do you get Celebi in Pokemon Crystal?

A3. Try to use GameShark or any other device and put in the code for unlocking the Celebi Quest. Now you need to enter the second code for your choice of the quest. Once done, you can get a new Celebi which will help you to get the results.

Q4. What Legendaries are in Pokemon Crystal?

A4. There are 5 different legendary Pokemons that you can get with the game. They are Raikou, Lugia, Entei, Ho-Oh, and Suicune. However, the best part is that each of them has powerful hidden abilities.

Q5. How do you catch the three legendary dogs in Pokemon Crystal?

A5. To get the legendary dogs in Pokemon Crystal, you need to go to the basement where you can find all the beasts. You can go to Hohto to find Raiku and Entei. The other Suicune is located in the Tin Tower. Try to be patient while approaching them.

Q6. Can you get Charmander in Crystal?

A6. You can get a Charmander but it is at the beginning if you reach out to Professor Oak’s Lab. If not, you can also get another option from Damien on Route 24. There is no other place where you can get a Charmander in Crystal.

Q7. How do you get a Masterball in Pokemon Crystal?

A7. You can get a Master Ball only from Professor Elm at Pokemon Crystal. But for this, you need to earn all the 8 Johto Badges. You can get these badges from the Lucky Chanel radio. So to earn them, you need to defeat all the 8 trainers present.

Read More: Pokemon Ruby Cheats for Game Boy Advance Emulator


Ifyou like playing the game but getting frustrated because you are not making anyimprovement, Pokemon Crystal Cheats may help you out. You can follow thisarticle to know all about the benefits and the things that you can get.

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  • Easter Eggs |
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Get the latest Pokemon Crystal cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Game Boy (GB). CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play!

Use the above links or scroll down see all to the Game Boy cheats we have available for Pokemon Crystal.

Get Espeon Or Umbreon

If you have an Eevee at Lv 20,you should raise itup 16 levels with Rare Candies. If it evolves inthe morning or the afternoon, it will evolve intoa Espeon. If it evolves at night, it will evolveinto a Umbreon. I swear that I have done this andit worked.

Extreme Speed Dratini

Go to the dragon's den (if you don't know where that is, it's at the back of the Black Thorn City Gym). Go to the Dragon Shrine (inside the Dragon's Den). They will ask you five questions. If you answer them all correctly, you get the extreme speed Dratini. If you don't answer all of the questions correctly, you still get a Dratini, but it does not know extreme speed.


On the route below Blackthorn City on Sundaymorning you might find an orange Donphan.

Find Lapras

1.Go to Union Cave on Friday.2.Go to deepest part of cave.3.Go to pieces of land.4.Battle trainers.5.When you battle a girl keep walking after youdefeated her.6.Surf on the lake till you find Lapras!Note:You can only find Laprason fridays. Youonly get one chance so you better get him!

Battle Hint

The easiest way for you to win the battle if youdon't have many good pokemon and only one goodone you can put your best pokemon in front. Whenit faints you put out a weaker pokemon andinstead of attacking you use revive on your bestpokemon so that when the weak one faints yourgood one will be ready for battle.

How To Get Ho-oh

After finding suicune in all places, and gettingthe clear bell go to the wise trio defeat themand you will be able to go to the TIN TOWERwhere you will find suicune. To catch him haveany pokemon at level 35-40 that knows sleeppowder use it on him then throw an ultra ball athim. If it doesnt work keep throwing them at himuntil you catch him note:make sure you save thegame before you enter TIN TOWER because suicunemight faint)

Find Pokemon Without Moving

You can use Sweeet Scent in the grass to find awild pokemon without moving.

Catch Raikou

If you want to catch Raikou, you'll Have to dothe catch Entei cheat. Raikou is harder to catchbecause both are in the same spot so you'll needto catch Entei First.


Mysterious Channel 13.5

Use your radio in the ruins of alph to tune intochannel 13.5. You will hear strange sounds madeby the unowns.

Pokemon Crystal Master Ball Gameshark

Stantler, Shiny

Pokemon Crystal Master Ball Code

A blue Venomoth can be found in Route 12.

Zubat, Shiny

Go to Whirl Islands and search around. When youleast expect it, a shiny Zubat will appear. ThisZubat will keep evolving until it is a pinkishCrobat. It is very strong.

Gligar, Shiny

The shiny Gligar only appears at night at theplace under Blackthorn City.

Rhyhorn, Shiny

You can find a red Rhyhorn on Victory Road whichis stronger than the normal version.

Slowbro, Shiny

You can find a red Caterpie in the Irex Forestnear the entrance.

Spearow, Shiny:

A shiny Seaking can be found at Tohjo Falls.

Psyduck, Shiny:

Pokemon Crystal Cheats

You can catch a shiny Psyduck above Saffron Cityin the water to the bottom left

Poliwhirl, Shiny

A shiny, light blue Poliwhirl can be found at theMt. Silver area, just below the Pokemon Center.

Pidgey, Shiny

There is a chance you can find a shiny Nidoran(male) in the National Park in Goldenrod City.

Meowth, Shiny:

Go just east of Celadon City and look in thesmall patch of grass at night.

Kakuna, Shiny:

On Route 30, just below Mr. Pokemon's house, is alevel 4,male albino Hoothoot. The chances offinding it are quite slim, but worth the effort.

Chinchou, Shiny:

One can be found on the route directly south ofBlackthorn City. It should be red.

Geodude, Shiny

You can find a shiny Electabuzz near the powerplant. It is better to catch it at night.

Drowzee, Shiny

You can find a purple drowzee on route 34 atnight.

Dratini, Shiny

You can find a shiny Growlithe on Route 35, wherebug catcher Arnie is located. It is usually gold.

Smoochum, Shiny

When you get an egg from the Daycare Center, youhave a chance at it being a Smoochum. If it is aSmoochum, it has a 50% chance at being shiny.

Exeggcute, Shiny

A shiny Exeggcute can be found just northwest ofViolet City. There is a sign just outside of thecity that reads 'Route 36'. Take three steps leftand go straight ahead. Headbutt the tree andexpect a shiny Exeggcute to appear after awhile.Note: It takes more than one headbutt to find it.

Wooper, Shiny

Go to the Ruins of Alph between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m.You may find a shiny Wooper above the Aerodactylpuzzle (outside the puzzle in the water ).

Raticate, Shiny

A shiny Raticate appears on Route 38 on Sunday at9:52.

Get Pass Grass Without Meeting Pokemon

Pokemon Crystal Dust Gameshark Codes Ps2

If you want to walk pass a large area of grass but do not want to fight pokemon then do this.The grass will grow but like the trees. Some areas of grass need to be cut twice.

How To Get Scizzor

O.K. if you want to get a Scizzor you have tofirst catch a Scyther at the Natinal Park inGolden Rod City(On Tuesday,Thursday,OrSaturday.)Then if you already havent.Go to theS.S.Anne for the first timeHelp the man find his grandaughter(She will be inthe captians cabin.)Take her back to her grandfatherand he will thank you ang give you a Steel Coat.Ok now you give the Steel Coat to your Scyther andfindsomeone that has another GameBoy AND another PokemonCrystal,Gold,Silver Game and trad your Scytherwith the Steel Coat and trade it And BANG you havea brand new Scizzor!!HINT:(This Also works with an Onix to get a Steelix!!)

Catch A Pink Golbat

At Burned Tower, you will meet a guy named Eusinewho is looking with Morty, the Ecruteak GymLeader, for the legendary PoKe'MoN. He is only onthe search of Suicune, the star of PoKe'MoNCrystal. You will battle your rival in BurnedTower when you find him. When you beat him, youwill drop to the basement. You will three stonePoKe'MoN on the top. Go on the step and you willwake them up.At Cianwood City, he will challenge you with hisDrowzee,Haunter, and Electrode, when you findSuicune at the House of the north beach. Youshould take a good Ground-type with you.When you catch Suicune or not at Tin Tower,Eusine will come up and say he'd seen a perfectbattle of Suicune& you in it.In Celadon City at the PoKe'MoN Center, he willask you if you caught Entei and Raikou. If youdid caught them, the last appearance you will seehim at Tin Tower when you catch Ho-oh.

Move Tutor

First, defeat the Elite Four and Champion Lance.When you do, a guy by the Goldenrod City Casinowill appear on Wednesday and Saturday. When youmeet him he will offer you to choose one of threeattacks to teach a Poke'MoN. They areFlamethrower,Ice Beam, & Thunderbolt. To get aattack, you have to hand over a ransome of 4,000coins. After you choose a attack to teach aPoke'MoN, he will disappear into the casino.(Youcan only choose on attack a day.)

Get A Fire Stone

First, go to Route 36 and by the Psychic & theSudowoodo PoKe'MoN, there will be a Schoolboynamed Alan. Defeat his Tangela and he will giveyou his phone number. He says his gift for you isa Fire Stone later when he calls you.

Get A Thunder Stone

First, go to Route 38 and by the sailor is a Lassnamed Dana. Defeat her Flaffy and her Psyduck andshe will give you her phone number. When a boygives her Thunder Stone and calls you, you can gopick it up.

Get A Water Stone

First, go to Mt. Mortar and go to the right endof the east entrance of Mt. Mortar. There will bea fisher named Tully. Beat his Qwilfish and givehim your phone number. When he says he has a giftfor you, it will be a Water Stone and you canpick it up in Mt. Mortar.

Teach Charizard New Attacks

First, trade a poke'mon in the time capsule fora Charizard,(if you have one from the begginingor if you have a gameshark and activatedthe 'Catch Charizard' code, you can go on.(It hasto be a male Charizard in order to do the hintright.)(You can also do this hint on otherpoke'mon, but it has to be a baby PoKe'MoN likeMareep.)(This trick won't work on baby PoKe'MoNlike Pichu or PoKe'MoN that don't lay eggs likeEntei and Unown.)Then, go to the Goldenrod mart and buy a fewGreat Balls, after that, go to Route 34 and catcha Ditto. After you catch a Ditto, go to thedaycare and leave Charizard and Ditto there for awhile and come back for the egg. Before you leaveCharizard there, teach a attack to charizard likeFire Punch,(sometimes, if you don't teachCharizard or a another evolved poke'mon a move,it's preform like Charmander will likely to learnoutrage in some way.)( To find out more movespoke'mon learn in their preform, get the PoKe'MoNCrystal Guidebook and turn to the very back.)Walk the egg for an hour and a baby will hatchfrom the egg.Next, you have the baby PoKe'MoN with the learnedattack from the male PoKe'MoN, if you have a babyMareep or Charmander, raise it up more than tenlevels and WALLAH! You have an evolved Poke,Monthat learns a attack from the baby PoKe'MoN.

The Better Day-care Person

When you go to the pokeom day-care center, if youwant your pokemon to be raised faster let the day-care lady raise it for you and not the day-careman while as he's slow and will take a longertime to raise your Lugia, Ho-oH, Celebie or anyother pokemon. Oh yeah and don't worry you stillhave to pay the same amount as with the day-careman. Don't worry about her costing more then theDay-care man. :)Note: I raised my Lugia, Ho-oH, Celebie, Mew,Mewtwo, Suicen, Raikou and Entei up to level 100in a short amount of time.2ndNote: Even if you don't have Celebie and Mew(I know you'll have the others eventually) youcan still have an invincible team.3rdNote: If you try to get those pokemon at alevel 100 be ready to pay a large amount ofmoney.

Get A Red Gyrados

To get a red gyrados, you have to go to the Lakeof Rage. The red gyrados is sitting in the middleof the lake.


The easiest way to catch Suicune is to firstfight the wise trio. After the talk they will saythat you may go and challenge him. Leave withoutchallenging him because you can battle him alater. Defeat Claire and answer the questions.Once you leave the Dragon's Den, Professor Elmwill call you and say come pick up the masterball. Follow the pokemon duplicating thing, butlet your pokemon hold your master ball. afterthat, you will have two master balls. Put oneinto your pc and use the other one on Suicune.Then it is up to you to catch Entei, Raikou, Ho-oh, Lugia, and Celebii.

National Park Items


Pokemon Crystal Shiny Cheat Code

Go to the National Park. When U see a boy playing his gameboy go next to him(right) Then go through the gate there on you can find items by exploring.

Ruins Of Ralph

For the puzzle the first cave it will be Kabutoand you a escape rope after you slove the puzzle,for the second cave it an Aerodectly when youslove it one o f your needs to know flash useflash, the third cave its otmantly and the leadin your party need to hold mystic water ( you getthat cherrygrove surf to a man) the fouth cave isHo-oh but you first catch put it on the lead inyour party then solve the puzzle. (to cacth Ho-ohyou need to cacth the 3 leadenary dogs suican,rakioch, and enti the best to them is use a fastball.


Mix a female (girl) PIKACHU with a male (boy)AMPHAROS. PICHU are sooo cute!

Hoot-Hoot & Spinarak (Sleeping)

In the morning or afternoon, headbutt any tree and a sleeping hoot hoot or spinarak can be found.

How To Get Rock Smash

when you either catch,knockout or run fromsudowdoo(a tree pokemon) aguy shall be by thedoor way talk to him after you get rid ofsodoowdo he will give you rock smash

How To Get A Leafstone

In order to get a leafstone go to goldenrod city. Go down pass the daycare. Do you know where the open part of the grass is. There will be a girl there. Battle her and when you beat her talk to her again. She will ask you for your phone number. When she calls she may want to battle or she might have a leafstone. If she says I havea gift for you it will be a leafstone.

How To Get Clear Bell Then Suicune

First go to the radio tower in Goldenrod city.Beat the rockets there then go to the undergroundpath above the railroadtracks. Find the realdirector and he'll give you a card key. Go backto the radio tower and walk through the gatesinside by using the card key. Go all the way tothe top floor and beat the executives. A man willcome up to you and give you clear bell. Go to Tintower and the man will let you by since you haveclear bell.Beat the wise trio and and walkthrough the door. Then it's up to you to do therest!!

Find Chansey

You can get it in canewood city on the shore line or at athe second city that your go on the shore line.

To Name Your Rivel

When you go to Mr.Pokemon to get the egg and thenyou go back to New Bark Town you have to gothrough Charygrove City. When you go ou ofCharygrove you will run into the guy that stolethe pokemon from Professor Elm. Then beet him andhe will tell you his name, which is ???. When youreach New Bark Town the police man will ask youfor the name of the man that you battled. Youtell him any name you want and his name willchange to the name.

Get Ledyba (Not In The Morning)

To Get a Ledyba in the Afternoon, teach a pokemonheadbutt, go to Route 39 and headbutt until youfind one.

Get Chikorita Twice

Get a Meganium and get a Vileplume. Take them tothe daycare in Goldenrod City. Come back in a dayyou will have an egg.


Fly to Blackthorn city and go down lokk in the grass to the right and find Skarmory.

Get A Punching Hitmonlee

If you faced Bruno at the Pokemon League and hisHitmonlee used the attack Mach Punch, you mayhave been thinking, 'How did the kicking Pokemonuse a punching attack?!' and, 'How can I get aHitmonlee like that?' Well, this Super SaiyanPokemon can tell you how! Evolve your Tyrogue(or a new Tyrogue you bred) into a Hitmonchan (ifits defense is higher than its attack power).When your Hitmonchan learns Mach Punch (at level32), since all of Tyrogues evolutions are male,take it and a female Fighting Pokemon (example:the Machop you might have traded for at theGoldenrod Department Store), or a Ditto (Gold andSilver players should too) to the Daycare Center,and wait for an egg. When Tyrogue hatches out ofthe egg, Mach Punch will be one of its Egg Moves,and if its attack power is higher than itsdefense, it will evolve into a Hitmonlee andBOOM!, you have a punching Hitmonlee just likeBruno's.

Mysterious Channel 13.5

Use your radio in the ruins of Alph to tune into Channel 13.5. You will hearmysterious sounds made by the Annon/Unown.

Secret Password Channel In Goldenrod City

Every night at 6:00 & midnight, turn 1 notch right from 10 on your radio. Read the password and go to the Goldenrod radio tower. Go to the second floor and go down. You will see two ladies. One will give you the blue card and let you tell her today's password. The other lady will let you trade in your points for items.

Easy Pokemon Catching At Start Of Game

After you get your Pokemon from Professor Elm, go to Cherrygrove City and heal your Pokemon. As you go to Mr. Pokemon's try to run from every battle & do the same on the way back. After you get Pokeballs, you can catch Pokemon more easily without killing them first.


On routes 30 and 31 in the grass you can encounter a wild Gastly.


When you get Eevee from Bill in Goldenrod City, catch a Ditto, give them to the day care couple at the same time. Go in back and check to make sure that they are interested in each other. Wait two days and then pick up an egg -- the man will be in the yard and you do not have to take Eevee or Ditto back. A couple of hours later, return for a second egg, and later again for a third. It takes two days to hatch them, and you can now get four evolutions. Breed another Eevee with another Ditto for the last evolution.

Get Soft Sand And 5000 Dollars

To get soft sand go right in front of the daycare center's door and walk right until you find water. Use surf and surf down until you find a pokeball. It is a nugget which can be sold for 5000 dollars. Now keep surfing down until you come apon a small path you can walk on. Take that path and go down. You will be ambushed by two (2) trainers. After you defeat those 2 move down one space and you will fight the last trainer. Afteryou defeat her talk to her again and you will recieve soft sand which powers up ground type moves for which ever one of you pokemon holds it.

Faster Credits

When you have reached Goldenrod City, go to theRadio Tower. Then go to the top-right corner ofthe floor and go up the stairs. Then go straightdown and talk the the girl at the table andeventually she will give you the blue card. Tunein to her show and she gives you a password. Ifyou remember the girl at the left of her shegives you prizes like Rare candies, nuggets,Iron, etc. for points. (You get the points bytelling the girl at the desk the password)


Find a Suikun/Suicune in three different places(right out of National Park, below the bush byMount Mortar, and up in Cianwood). Then, go toTin Tower, and a Suikun/Suicune will appear tofight you.


In the back of each puzzle room in the ruins ofAlph is a word formed by Annons/Unowns. Theyrequire you to do things in order to get into aback room. In one place, you must equip a WaterStone. In another, you must put a Houou/Ho-Ohfirst in your lineup. In another you must use anEscape Rope. In another you must use Flash. Oncein the back room, pick up the items and fall downthe hole to find a room with a message aboutAnnon/Unown. Fall down the hole there to returnto the Annon/Unown shrine.

We have no cheats or codes for Pokemon Crystal yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

We have no unlockables for Pokemon Crystal yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

Get Magby In Odd Egg!

I swear this cheat works 100% of the time!First,go to the Daycare for the first time to getthe Odd Egg.Then,when you go in talk to theDaycare-Lady first.Talk to her 3 times then getthe Odd Egg from the man.After you do that walk500 steps and the egg will hatch into a Magby!

Pokemon Crystal Dust Gameshark Codes Cheats


The first time you talk to the man at the Daycare center in Jhoto, he will give you an egg. The pokemon that comes out is random, but it will know the move DIZZY PUNCH.

We have no glitches for Pokemon Crystal yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

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Created by: LugiaMaster.Read the full guide...

Codes For Pokemon Crystal

Created by: LilBooradley.Read the full guide...

Created by: PokeFreak128.Read the full guide...

Created by: 4th Wiseman.Read the full guide...

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Created by: Game Trickster.Read the full guide...