Poe Seller Recipe

What is it:
An extension to the chrome web browser that allows you to find crafting recipes and helps to organise your inventory.
You can install the extension from the chrome web store here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/path-of-exile-inventory-h/ieeefjeclfcfjfigjilfklgkdinkmeln
Basic usage
- Log in to pathofexile.com with 'Remember Me' checked.
- Open the chrome app via stash management under the home menu
- Select the league you want to view.
- Whenever you want to refresh the items from the server you need to click Refresh then either 'All or Partial (and select which parts to refresh).
- Select either the crafting recipe you want to make (only ones you can make are shown) or View Inventory to see what items you have.
The chaos orb recipe is broken!
Sort of. The data available on the web doesn't contain item level, so we can't make sure all your things are > item level 60. My suggestion is you keep everything > 60 in specific tabs and then use 'configure crafting' to ignore the other tabs.
What's a good way to make this thing work for me?
One of the old incarnations of this extension used to ping the sever every few minutes to see if you could make any new recipes. Unfortunately the load it caused was death to the server so the throttling was added (see below). One of the ways you can work around this is:
* Whore up a sack full of loot, identifying it as you go (takes a min or two before the server seems to realise you've picked something up and id'd it).
* Use the partial refresh function to refresh only the character you are playing.
* See if you won anything in the crafting screens.. If you have to dump stuff back into your stash you might want to refresh those tabs on the next run too.
Why is it so slow to load initially/refresh?
Because the PoE website throttles how many requests you can make in a given time period. At the moment it is ~15 requests per 60 seconds. There is one request per character on your account and then there will be one request per stash tab for each league you select.
When will [critical issue] be fixed?
Are you sure you have the latest version? It should autoupdate, but if you aren't on at least version 0.50 then you probably have an old version and need to reinstall. If you are on the latest version and it's broken then I guess it'll be fixed when I feel like it..
How can I help fix it?
Posting a bug report here is really helpful, especially if you can include the errors from the javascript console. You can open the console with ctrl-shift-j on windows and cmd-alt-j on mac. Alternativly you could fork the code, fix it and send me a pull request!
You can get the source code / fork the project here:
In theory you could also post issues and update (or create) the wiki pages there too :p

Did you check with the devs before releasing this?
No. The information this application uses is freely available in your browser, queried via the same methods that the PoE site itself uses. I don't see mashups of this nature as something for which one needs to seek permission.
Is this a hack?
No, it doesn't use the game in any shape or form. Just the item browser from the website, in exactly the same way a human would use it.
Is there a warranty?
LOL no. Use at your own risk. But I think it should be OK, I did what I could to avoid putting excessive load on the server and if the devs ask me to change it to put less load I will.
Will you make this for [Firefox/IE/Opera/Safari]?
No, that would be a lot of extra work for minimal benefit. Chrome is free, hard drive space is cheap. Download it and use it for this.
Chrome plugin for inventory/crafting: http://njs50.github.com/poe_ext/
Last bumped on Mar 17, 2018, 11:53:37 PM
Posted by
on Aug 2, 2012, 3:30:39 AM
Update 0.51:
update to jquery.indexddb to fix some issues with DB changes in chrome.
Added some items to itemdata/currencydata to improve detection.
updated the code for detecting uniques to fix missing items.
updated feedbank link to got to new thread (this one)
Update 0.52:
improve table sorting for inventory
load all inventory (equipped and socketed items)
crafting ignores equipped + socketed items
implement ability to ignore specific tabs/chars from crafting
fixed some broken recipes
crafting recipes are now sorted by the ones that require the least tab changes
Update 0.53:
Local cache / db is now disabled if it fails for any reason.
Update 0.54:
add some item data for maps.
fix error handing in matcher to show actual errors in log.
Update 0.55:
rewrote all caching/db to not use third party plugin (prob only works in chromium 21+)
removed background page being used for clipboard
updated clipboard copy to only copy rares currently available for crafting
fixed error in matcher when a rare with no mods was found.
Update 0.56:
update code to create new objectstore for cache. for whatever reason chrome has taken to destroying the existing one on occasion :p
Update 0.57:
Force a DB version change / refresh to fix people with issues.
Add some backward compatibility to old version of chromium.
update 0.58:
retain partial refresh and crafting setup states after refresh.
reload to same tab you were on after refresh.
fixed clicking link to copy itemdata to clipboard.
update 0.59:
default to league with most characters if no league previously selected
added socket info to calculated data : max links and num sockets.
reenabled and fixed some crafting recipes that depend on socket info.
Update 0.60:
rewrote base type detection for magic items.
removed dependency on item prefix/suffix data.
updated item data for maps and fixed a unicode char that wasn't escaped.
Update 0.61:
Valanthyr : Added socket rendering back to item display
Update 0.62:
Fixes the missing 'get-characters' service
Update 0.63:
Updates the autoupdate URL to the new one.
Update 0.64:
persist last open page, visible cols & selected league through a full refresh
complete rewrite of data loader to be as fast as possible.
Update 0.65:
Added map recipes.
Update 0.66:
Add ability to import and export data
Added ability to copy current inventory view to clipboard as CSV
Updated sorting function for location col in inventory
Update 0.67 (Spacke):
adjusted a few item names that were fixed in the 0.9.12 patch
fixed the inventory viewer so that all properties/requirements are displayed correctly
elemental damage in the item hover popup is now colored to see what element they belong to
added coordinates to the inventory viewer and the crafting window so that items, especially smaller ones, can be easier found
Update 0.68 (Spacke)
Fixed a bug where the quality of items was not parsed correctly. GCP, Scrap and Whetstone recipes should work now!
Fixed a bug where some rares would have an additional space in their name so that the base item type could not be parsed and a false alchemy orb recipe match was listed.
Update 0.69 (Spacke):
Added the amount of matches in brackets to the drop-down menu.
Update 0.70 (Gregra):
Fixed up inventory filtering
Update 0.71 (Spacke):
Fixed properties in inventory viewer.
Added inventory position to item view.
Updates by Spacke
Update 0.75:
Fixed some stuff so it'll load your junk at least.
Update 0.76:
update/fix some recipes
fix some item parsing
Upadte 0.77
persist partial refresh + crafting config settings on partial refresh
Update 0.78:
update for custom stash tab names.
fix for unexpected data returned by server when character hasn't logged into league yet.
Update 0.79
Tidied up inventory config view
Updated quality item recipes (i.e 40% armor etc)
added some itemdata
combined 'resist all elemental' into individual fire/cold/lightning values.
Update 0.80:
Fixed file export/import (tho they both export a full list atm, drop in the middle of the page to import).
Fixed weapon parsing (average damage is now actually dps).
moved weapons back into their own types.
benjaminjackman: added select all to inventory config cols.
Update 0.81:
Add ability to filter inventory view by item level
Changed tablesorter plugin to a better one. sorting should work better on odd values now (ie alphanumeric cols)
Fix item quality on odd items (flasks seem to have two quality values for some reason which made them render like 20%,1)
Add ability to shift click checkboxes to select a range (ie click tab1 in partial refresh then shift click tab 9 to select/deselect everythig in between)
benjaminjackman: change body to fluid layout
Update 0.82:
update bootstrap to 2.3 and add dark theme.
Made table header float with content as you scroll down the page.
Update 0.83:
Update some itemdata
add quality % to itemname when item has quality
update quality recipe to try match to 40% exactly
added item category to properties (in configure cols)
update 0.84:
fixed issue that may occur if an item manages to have no category?
update 0.85:
Updated item data
Update 0.86:
merged in changes from chrisliuqq to add in crafted mods
Update 0.90:
refactored this piece of junk so it could go in the chrome webstore
Update 0.92:
ignore the duplicate tab that comes back in the data
Update 0.93:
modified the calculated average damages on weapons to include weapon speed
now parses item data directly from the website so hopefully less warnings
Update 0.94:
Item level is now available in the item data, updated recipes for chance, chaos and regal orbs!
Added crafted mods to item display
Update 0.95:
fixed some parsing of map names
added some missing item data
Update 0.96
Added 'Has MTX' calculated field + shows MTX info when viewing an item.
Fixes error while scraping item data due to the april fools stock ticker at the top of the page.
Chrome plugin for inventory/crafting: http://njs50.github.com/poe_ext/
Posted by
on Aug 2, 2012, 3:30:58 AM
space for updates
Chrome plugin for inventory/crafting: http://njs50.github.com/poe_ext/
Posted by
on Aug 2, 2012, 3:31:09 AM
last space for updates :p
Chrome plugin for inventory/crafting: http://njs50.github.com/poe_ext/
Posted by
on Aug 2, 2012, 3:35:07 AM
Much appreciated and very handy tool.
Posted by
on Aug 2, 2012, 3:41:38 AM
btw. if anyone is still having db issues can you let me know what version of chrome you are on? I see the folks at google are rewriting the way the indexedDB works to be more in line with the spec. hopefully the changes don't break things too much :p
Chrome plugin for inventory/crafting: http://njs50.github.com/poe_ext/
Posted by
on Aug 2, 2012, 3:44:37 AM
newest version of chrome can only install plugins from the 'chrome web store'. I assume this is google's old shtick of generating traffic by controlling portal websites, nothing really super sinister. But as of version 21.0 chrome extensions can ONLY be installed from the chrome portal. IE, not from github.
Mind pushing your releases to chrome's portal? It'd take a few moments of your time :)
Let a man walk alone -
Let him commit no sin.
Let him bear few wishes,
Like an elephant in the forest.
Posted by
on Aug 2, 2012, 5:57:42 AM
newest version of chrome can only install plugins from the 'chrome web store'. I assume this is google's old shtick of generating traffic by controlling portal websites, nothing really super sinister. But as of version 21.0 chrome extensions can ONLY be installed from the chrome portal. IE, not from github.
Mind pushing your releases to chrome's portal? It'd take a few moments of your time :)

Chrome -> Extensions -> Enable developer mode -> Load unpacked extension (and grab the code from github).
This isn't a Google thing (well, not specifically their shtick). This is what happens when the appstore mentality becomes pervasive. At least they still allow you to leave the walled garden unlike other unmentionable companies.
Posted by
on Aug 2, 2012, 6:04:57 AM
Mind pushing your releases to chrome's portal? It'd take a few moments of your time :)

I'll have a look at what needs to be done.
Chrome plugin for inventory/crafting: http://njs50.github.com/poe_ext/
Posted by
on Aug 2, 2012, 6:16:10 AM
newest version of chrome can only install plugins from the 'chrome web store'. I assume this is google's old shtick of generating traffic by controlling portal websites, nothing really super sinister. But as of version 21.0 chrome extensions can ONLY be installed from the chrome portal. IE, not from github.
Mind pushing your releases to chrome's portal? It'd take a few moments of your time :)

Chrome -> Extensions -> Enable developer mode -> Load unpacked extension (and grab the code from github).
This isn't a Google thing (well, not specifically their shtick). This is what happens when the appstore mentality becomes pervasive. At least they still allow you to leave the walled garden unlike other unmentionable companies.

Alright the easy way for now is:
1: download the .crx file.
2: Go find where chrome stuck it.
3: Open up chrome://extensions
4: drag and drop the file into this page
Chrome plugin for inventory/crafting: http://njs50.github.com/poe_ext/
Posted by
on Aug 2, 2012, 6:34:32 AM
  1. Cached


Daisydisk mac free download. This is, in my opinion, one of the most important PoE vendor recipes, yet a lot of people haven’t even heard about it. The recipe lets you obtain Vaal orbs. Access for assistive devices mac. The recipe works as follows – selling 7 Vaal Skill gems + 1 Sacrifice at Dawn/Dusk/Noon will give you 1 Vaal orb. Gemcutter's PrismStack Size: 20Improves the quality of a gemRight click this item then left click a gem to apply it. The maximum quality is 20%.Shift click to unstack.AcquisitionLevel: 12Purchase CostsSell Price1x Scroll FragmentMiscellaneousItem class: Stackable CurrencyMetadata ID: Metadata.