Download the best dota hotkeys for you. Used by more than 8000 dota players per day. Standard and the best dota hotkeys for you. With quick chat for dota commands and modes. With show ally HP / enemy HP and disable Windows key.
Download DOTA warkey here: MASH.EXE (22.10kb) It's 99% no virus! Thanks to the person who uploaded it in MediaFire. ツ TIP: Always remember the keyword 'cyberlympus dota warkey' or save it to your cellphone so that where ever you play DOTA and want to have a warkey/hotkey, just research that keyword in Inventory A+ DOWNLOAD LINK:
Hotkeys commands:
Alt + Q = numpad 7
Alt + W = numpad 8
Alt + A = numpad 4

Alt + S = numpad 5
Alt + Z = numpad 1
Alt + X = numpad 2

Quick chat commands:
F5 = -so
F6 = -clear
F7 = -ma
F8 = -afk
Notes (Since a lot of people are asking already):
Dota Warkeys For Windows 7
1. Extract the ZIP file properly. You can use my favorite decompressor or the famous winrar.
2. If your OS (Operating System) is Windows 7 and the hotkeys doesn’t run properly, try to run as administrator. Right Click the dotahotkeys.exe and click Run as administrator.
3. I see a lot of people are posting alternative links and their copycat posts / blog in the comments section. P.S. Don’t forget to attribute this blog and show some respect.
4. Add my Garena account. xid.angel the legendary setter / initiator of PDR3 (year 2010). LOL
Some interesting facts that I can share with you:
1. There a lot of people who are downloading around 3:PM to 8:PM. The reason is that there a lot of students who are playing after school hours.
2. I received a lot of traffic during holidays and vacation.
3. This post was originally for our team’s consumption and initially have no intention to share it for everyone.
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Download Dota Hotkeys