Delphi 2007 Install Component

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SMImport component suite 2.92
Import and convert all popular data formats!

The native Delphi components provide fast and direct importing of data from MS Excel/XML/HTML/DBF/Open Office/Paradox files directly without use of any external libraries!

This ISO can be used to install CodeGear RAD Studio 2007, Delphi 2007 for Win32 or CBuilder 2007 English, French, German & Japanese Available only to registered users of selected products, see item entry for more details. I've downloaded the RealTimeMarquee component for embarcadereo delphi 2010 which comes as a two files. RealTimeMarquee.pas SimpleHTML.pas But when i tried to open the file using delphi to compile it, i can't see the green button ( compile / build ) activated. My question: How to install this component. Install.PAS component in Delphi 2007. Putri asked on 2010-07-14. Delphi; 1 Comment. Last Modified: 2013-11-23. What needs to be done (step. Install delphi 2007. How To Install Delphi Comport Library Or Component - Duration: 4:46. Yadishare Tutorial 8,677 views. How to configure a Shared Network Printer in Windows 7, 8.

SMImport suite 2.92 is a set of components that can import data into TDataSet (any descendant) from a variety of different file formats as described in following table:

Component nameFile format
TSMImportFromXLSimport MS Excel files directly without OLE including Office 12 .xlsx files (MS Excel 2007/2010)
TSMImportFromTextLoad from any text file (fixed or comma-delimited formats)
TSMImportFromXMLXML file. Also supports the subset of TClientDataset format to save/load from XML files
TSMImportFromHTMLDirect importing of a HTML file
TSMImportFromParadoxParadox tables (does not require the BDE)
TSMImportFromDBFdBase tables (does not require the BDE)
TSMImportFromBDEImport from any BDE database/alias
TSMImportFromWKSLotus 1-2-3 directly without OLE
TSMImportFromQuattroQuattroPro directly without OLE
TSMImportFromAccessMS Access database using DAO/MS Jet (MS Access is not required)
TSMImportFromWordMS Word document (MS Word is required)
TSMImportFromADOConnect to and import from ADO sources
TSMImportFromAdvantageAdvantage database (a direct parsering alternative to Advantage Database)
TSMImportFromDBISAMDBISAM database (a direct parser, alternative to ElevateSoft)
TSMImportFromClarionClarion data file (direct parser, alternative to Soft Velocity)
TSMImportFromClipboardImport data from the MS Windows Clipboard
TSMImportFromWABImport records from a Windows Address Book
TSMImportFromVCalendarImport data from VCalendar/ICalendar
TSMImportFromOpenOfficeCalcOpen Office spreadsheets
TSMImportFromOutlookImport MS Outlook messages, contacts, notes, tasks, appointments etc
TSMImportFromDatasetCopy any data directly from other dataset

Most components support both loading from file and streams so you may load from memory/blob/cgi streams and/or in multi-tier environments.

The SMImport suite also contains a user-friendly wizard, the TSMIWizardDlg () component, which is a self-contained wizard which guides end users in the importing of any data at run-time via a user-friendly interface to assist with load parameter settings. This component gives your user total control over the entire data import process via a few simple mouse clicks. Simply drop the component on a form and execute it on an appropriate button click (or other user action as you see fit).

As developer, if you need, you may restrict the access (read, write, hide) to any import setting in wizard for end users.

The SMImport is a native VCL engine with multi-language support.

Download (last updated: June 8, 2020)

RAD Studio 10 Seattle/10.1 Berlin/10.2 Tokyo/10.3 Rio/10.4
RAD Studio
RAD Studio
RAD Studio
RAD Studio
RAD Studio
RAD Studio
RAD Studio
RAD Studio
RAD Studio
RAD Studio
BDS2007 package (Delphi and C++Builder)
BDS2006 package (Delphi and C++Builder)
Delphi 2005
Delphi packages (v3/4/5/6/7)
C++Builder packages (v3/4/5/6)
Full suite (Delphi/C++Builder/demo sources)
Compiled demo applications (Delphi/C++Builder)

The shareware trial version will run for 30 days in the Delphi IDE only.
If after 30 days you would like to continue using it, then you should purchase a license.
The trial version allows you to import only 50 records from within the Delphi IDE.


Delphi 2007 Download

License fee
full suite with sources50 EUR
standard suite without sources35 EUR

* you can distribute your applications using components from either suite absolutely free without any additional hidden fees
** each license allows one developer to work with this component suite on one computer at a time. You need as many licenses as there are developers who will individually use these components (regardless of the number of computers the suite is installed on)
*** a site license allows the use of these components within a company for an unlimited number of developers. The license fee is equal to 5 times the cost of a single developer's licence fee.


Products can be ordered online over the Internet using PayPal, VISA, MasterCard or American Express credit card, Toll Free Phone, 24 Hour Fax, or Postal Mail at following sites:

with sourceswithout sources
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You can order the SMExport+SMImport bundle for 75 EUR and save 25 EUR per developer:

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What you get when you register
  • Fully registered versions will be sent via email (or by direct link if you have mail-server limitations).
  • There are no limitations and no nag screens.
  • Upgrades are free for 1 (one) year. You will be notified of updated minor versions and they will be sent by e-mail on personal request.
  • Free technical support by e-mail (please quote your serial number) during 1 (one) year.
Install instructions

1) Unzip into a new folder
2) Run Delphi or C++Builder IDE
3) Select Close All item from Files menu
4) Select Install packages.. item in Component menu
5) Press Add button and select the package file (SMImportD3.DPL for D3, SMImportDx.BPL for D4/5/6/7/2005/2006/2007/2009/2010/XE/XE2/XE3/XE4/XE5 and CB3/4/5/6) from the installed directory
6) Press the Ok button
7) The component palette will now have an SMImport page containing the newly installed components. Enjoy your new components!

Remember to include the folder name containing the components as part of search/browse path in the Delphi/C++Builder IDE.


You can find answers on frequently asked questions <here>

Activate methods

In design-time (from within the Delphi designer form):

  • To fill in component properties then press the mouse right button to select execute data import.
  • Also for the TSMIWizardDlg component you can set the parameters for data import via a visual user dialog (view screenshot below).
Delphi component library

In your application run-time:

  • to activate any import component simply call the Execute method.
Translated resources

In archive which will receive the registered user in SOURCESRESOURCES you can find the translated resources for these languages:


EnglishMike ShkolnikDutchWouter Ballet
Niek de Ruijter
Eric Humblot
GermanGerhard Schmidt-Adomeit
Carsten Schuette
SwedishAndreas HardDanishOtto C. Thygesen
NorwegianKai Bohli
Tor J. Breines
SpanishEdgar Gomez DG
Alvaro Jeria M
PortuguesePedro LopesBrazilian PortugueseJ. Roberto C. Otalara
ItalianCarlo NapolitanoGreekTassos Kollias
Traditional Chinese (BIG5)
Simplified Chinese (GB)
Orson WangKoreanKyusik-Kim
SlovenianMatej GolobPolishAndrzej Gorniak
RomanianBogdan PopescuTurkishErcan Devrim
Ibrahim Kutluay
CzechJan Najvarek
Martin Radvansky
UkrainianMike Shkolnik
RussianMike ShkolnikBulgarianG.Panayotov

Try the SMImport suite 2.92 before you buy it.

Copyright© 1998-2020, Scalabium Software. All rights reserved.

MSWordDocument 1.48
extract text from MS Word documents

TMSWordDocument () allows to read any Word document directly without OLE automation of MS Word application. MS Word installed is not required at all.
TMSWordXDocument is a parser for MS Word 2007/2010 documents. This is a native parser and no external libraries required.
TWordPerfectFile allows to read any Word Perfect (Corel Office) document (without any external library too) with all formattings (fonts/colors/alignments etc).
TWRIFile allows to read any MS Write document and extract plain text and all formattings.
TOpenOfficeTextDocument, TOpenOfficeSpreadsheet, TOpenOfficePresentation allows to parse the files from Open Office documents, spreadsheets and presentations
TSMPDFReader allows to parse any Acrobat Reader documents and extract the text.
TPalmDocFile and TFictionBook allows to read the text from ebook formats (PalmDoc and FB2).

Direct text extraction allow to process large documents very-very fast. Summary Information is available too.
You may use this component to provide a search engine - for example, find document where some substring is occured or to display summary information and text preview in own file manager.

Pages for mac os torrent. Complex documents (fast-saved, multi-piece files) are supported.
Localized MS Word versions are supported too - German, French, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, Italic, Danish, Swedish, Cyrillic (Russian, Ukrainian etc), Hebrew and others

Documents from files or streams (BLOB, archive, memory etc) could be parsed for plain text..

Additionally the parsers for Word Perfect and MS Write could convert the original document to html-file or rtf-file.

Download (last updated: June 8, 2020)

RAD Studio 10 Seattle/10.1 Berlin/10.2 Tokyo/10.3 Rio/10.4 Sydney packages
RAD Studio XE7/XE8 packages
RAD Studio XE6 package
RAD Studio XE5 package
RAD Studio XE4 package
RAD Studio XE3 package
RAD Studio XE2 package
RAD Studio XE package
RAD Studio 2010 package v1.38b (Delphi and C++Builder)
BDS2009 package v1.45 (Delphi and C++Builder)
BDS2007 package v1.48b (Delphi and C++Builder)
BDS2006 package v1.32b (Delphi and C++Builder)
Delphi 2005
Delphi 7 package
Delphi 3/4/5/6/7/C++Builder 3/4/5/6
Compiled demo

You may use the shareware trial version for 30 days with Delphi IDE running only.
If after 30 days you would like to continue using it, then you should purchase a license.
PS: the trial version allows to read first 30Kb of text.


License fee is
full suite with sources50 EUR
standard suite without sources35 EUR
Delphi 2007 Install Component

* you can distribute the own applications absolutely free without any additional hidden fees
** one license allow to work with this component suite on one computer only (one developer). You need as many licenses as many developers will use these components
.*** the site license allow to use these components in company with unlimited number of developers. The license fee is 5*(developer's fee)


Products can be ordered online over the Internet using VISA, MasterCard or American Express credit card, Toll Free Phone, 24 Hour Fax, or Postal Mail at following sites:

with sourceswithout sources
ShareItBuy It!Buy It!
2CheckoutBuy it!Buy it!
PayProGlobalBuy it!Buy it!
  • Registered users will receive future updates to new minor versions FREE!
  • The news, notifications and support by email is free for registered users.
Install instructions

1) Unzip it to a created folder
2) Run Delphi or C++Builder IDE
3) Select Install packages.. item in Component menu
4) Press Add button and select a package file (SMWordD3.DPL for D3, SMWordXX.BPL for Delphi 4/5/6/7/2005/2006/2007/2009/2010/XE/XE2/XE3/XE4/XE5/XE6/XE7 and C++Builder 3/4/5/6) in installed directory
5) Press Ok button
6) Enjoy it. In the component palette on SMWord page you can find installed new component


You can find answers on frequently asked questions <here>

Activate methods

TMSWordDocument component have an Execute method. Call this method when you specified a correct document to FileName property:
MSWordDocument.FileName := 'C:My DocumentsData_2002.doc';

After that you may read parsed text using PlainText property. For example, to load in Memo1 component:


2.3 changing form: fractions and decimalsmr. macs page. Also you may read SummaryInformation property that have a lot of sub-properties (like Author, LastSaved, PageCount etc)

Activate methods

Also you may read SummaryInformation property that have a lot of sub-properties (like Author, LastSaved, PageCount etc)

Try the MSWordDocument 1.48 before you buy it.

Copyright© 1998-2020, Scalabium Software. All rights reserved.

Delphi Components Download