Calibrate Scale With Quarters

(Image from: Asuki WeighingSystem Inc.)


To test a digital scale if you don't have a special calibration weight you can use coins: (Make sure to use new, shiny coins. Worn coins will weigh less).A U.S. Nvidia geforce gt 120 for mac pro. Nickel (5-cent coin for non-Americans) weighs exactly 5.00 grams and a U.S. Cent (since 1983) weighs exactly 2.50 grams.U.S. Cents 1981 and before weigh 3.11 grams. Place the quarter on the center of the scale and check the reading. If the scale doesn't read 5.67 grams, adjust the calibration up or down. Enter the difference between the actual weight of the quarter and the reading that shows up on the scale. Divide the maximum weight capacity by 5.67 grams. Many people place the scale in the bathroom, but any flat surface at home will do. After placing it on the ground, turn the device on and press the platform lightly until you see the zero pattern appear on the scale’s screen. The scale will turn off by itself, which means that you can start weighing yourself as it is already calibrated.

Nothing lasts forever, not even the highest quality and heavyduty floor scale you have. Weigh and tear occur over time and accuracy isinevitably affected. However, you can stop your weighing system from degradingeven quicker with just one procedure: calibration.

What is calibration?

Calibration is a vital procedure for heavy duty floor scalesto maintain accuracy and durability. The whole process involves a series oftests to troubleshoot the whole weighing system, determine potentialadjustments, and apply necessary repairs.

How Calibration Is Done:

·Weighing Scale Preparation (determining technicalcharacteristics and observing the overall durability of the product)

·Eccentricity Test (checking how accurate theload cells are with regards to the location of the load on the floor scale) Lenovo driver for mac.

·Repeatability Test (preventing inaccuratemeasurements and repeatability issues when weighing loads of the same weight)

·Weighing Test (testing the accuracy of the instrumentthroughout its whole weighing capability)

·Minimum Weight Test (finding the smallest loadthat can be measured while still fulfilling accuracy requirements)

·Other Tests (might include but not limited toTare, Discrimination, Variation Indication, and Magnetic Interaction Tests)

Why do you need to calibrate?

Say you’re measuring your products with an inaccurate floorscale and end up packing more than your desired measurement, that negligence cancost you and your business a huge amount of money in the long run. It’sessential to calibrate your heavy duty floor scale to increase cost savings,maintain the integrity of your weighing system, measure safely, and adhere tolocal and global regulations. With routine scale calibration and adjustments, youallow your floor scale to measure with the highest reliability while alsoextending the equipment’s life.

Calibrate Scale With Quarters Stainless Steel

Where to calibrate?

Calibrate Scale Without Weights

There are several calibration facilities nationwide but wehighly suggest you calibrate your weighing system with the help of youroriginal floor scale provider as they know your equipment too well. Forexample, you’ve got your heavy duty floor scale from Asuki Weighing System Inc.,you can easily contact them and avail their service that includes thoroughcalibration procedures, easy-to-read certificates, and audit-proofdocumentation.

When and how often you should calibrate your floor scale?

As per experts, floor scales must be calibrated once perquarter. That’s equivalent to four times a year. There are also common signsthat you need repair, adjustment, and maintenance services for your weighingsystem as soon as possible. These are the following:

How To Calibrate Gram Scale

  • Unable to read weight (always giving a readingof zero even if there’s a load)
  • Reading fluctuations (the reading never settlesdown to a consistent number)
  • Repeatability issues (provides the same readingeven with different weights)
  • Load cell irregularities (the reading changesdepending on where you place the load)
  • Damaged parts (noticeable damages on thematerial, load cells, and indicator)

Taylor Scale Calibrate


Calibrate Scales With Coins

Calibration is not a process that can be done once and then forgotten.It’s that one simple procedure that makes a big difference in preserving yourweighing equipment and ensuring its accuracy at all times. If you rely on a heavyduty floor scale at any part of your business, do not skip routine calibration,adjustments, and maintenance for the best results.