Convert Any PDF (scanned or regular) to Excel Instantly
Convert Excel to PDF online for free when you try Adobe Acrobat online services. Convert an Excel file to a PDF easily in seconds. Click the Select a file button above, or drag and drop a PDF into the drop zone. Select the PDF you want to convert to the XLSX file format. Watch Acrobat automatically convert the file to the Excel file format. Download the converted file or sign in to share it.
Choose from Google Drive
- PDF Converter - for other formats, such as PPT, JPG, and Excel. Compress - reduce PDF sizes. Merge - combine PDFs. And many more, via our homepage. Import PDF to Excel Offline As you only cannot open the PDF file and transfer the PDF data to an excel workbook with traditional PDF readers, i.e., Preview or Adobe Acrobat, you'd need a converter.
- PDF is an electronic document format designed by Adobe Systems using some language features PostScript. The official program for viewing documents in this format, Adobe Reader. Most often, PDF.
- Here's the resulting Excel document. Link To Excel Document. All the data ends up in one row. That's not so helpful. After experimenting further I tried exporting as a Word document, copying the contents of the table from that document, then pasting that information into a blank Excel.
In a Hurry?
Always be the first in the line and avoid waiting!
Upload the document, the conversion will start automatically.
No need to leave an email or other personal information.
All files are deleted from our servers after 6h max (without a trace).
Safe and Secure
All data uploaded to our servers will be used for conversion purposes only and deleted promptly after conversion. Your files are accessed only by automated software agents.
Full Document Conversion
The web app converts documents of all sizes. No matter how complex your data tables are, they will be converted accurately without the need for further formatting.
Exact Spreadsheet Recognition
All tables trapped in PDF will be extracted accurately. The rows and columns structure will be the same as in the original file, but fully editable and ready for reuse.
Excel’s .xlsx Format
The new spreadsheet will be in .xlsx format ready to use in Microsoft Excel (versions 7, 10, 13), LibreCalc, OpenCalc or any other office suite compatible with MS Office.
No Email
There is no need to leave an email address or other identifiable data. Upload your file and the document will be converted right on the page.
Extract Scanned Tables
Besides regular PDF files, the service works with scanned PDFs as well. Using the latest OCR technology, it accurately recognizes numbers and data.
Quick and Easy
Conversion speed depends on the file size and servers overload.
Drive, Dropbox and OneDrive

Import PDFs from your Google Drive, Dropbox or OneDrive account. Log in, choose a file and start converting.
This service is free to use, without any file conversion limits. Try it out right now.
How to convert PDF to Excel Free Online
- Upload or drag and drop any PDF (regular or scanned) to Alternatively, you can import the PDF for conversion directly from Google Drive, Dropbox or OneDrive.
- The conversion starts automatically as soon as the file has been uploaded.
- Wait for to finish conversion.
- Download your .XLSX spreadsheet by clicking on the Free Download button.
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While PDF is ideal for viewing shared documents across varying platforms and operating systems, editing them, without a specific PDF editing software, is generally impossible. If you have a PDF featuring a ton of data, re-entering the data into an Excel sheet manually, so that you can edit it, is not a viable option. Luckily for you, it is possible to convert PDF to Excel. In this article, you will learn how to convert PDF to Excel.
1. Convert PDF to Excel with Software
1Use PDF WIZ (100% Freeware)
This software is a powerful PDF toolkit that helps you convert or edit your PDF documents, including converting PDF to Excel files. Unlike other PDF converters on the market, PDF WIZwon’t request your payment. It offers all its features for free. Once downloaded, you can use this PDF to Excel converter for your lifetime, and even enjoy free update.
How to convert PDF to Excel Using PDF WIZ:
Step 1. Download PDF WIZ, launch it on your computer, click on the “Convert PDF to” icon to continue.
Free DownloadSecure Download
Step 2. On the screen that follows, drag and drop the PDF file to the converting box, and switch the converting mode to Excel by clicking the Excel button below the box. You can also choose the file format, saving location and whether to save the file in one worksheet among those options.
Step 3. Click CONVERT NOW, and wait for your PDF files to be converted. Then click the OPEN button to see your converted file.
One of the best ways of converting PDF files to Excel is to use acomputer program. Adobe Acrobat DC is one of the top-rated PDF to Excelconverters. The computer program, however, requires its users to pay.
If you just want to convert a couple of PDF files to Excel, you maynot need to pay for the program. Adobe Acrobat DC features a 7 days trialversion. You can use the free trial version to convert your files. After the 7days are over, you may have to upgrade to the premium version for you tocontinue using the application.
To learn how to convert PDF to Excel using Adobe Acrobat DC,follow the steps we have outlined below:
Step 1: Download Adobe Acrobat DC. Install it on your computer.
Step 2: After opening the application, locate and select the Tools tab.Click the Export PDF icon.
Step 3: Tap Select a file and locate the PDF file you would like toconvert to Excel. After selecting the PDF file, choose Spreadsheet from theexport options list. Decide whether your end goal is to have an Excel Workbook(.xlsx) or an XML Spreadsheet (.xml).
Step 4: If you would like to adjust the Excel document settings, tap thegear icon available on the right-hand side of the selection. You can then goahead and select the number of worksheets you would like to create, as well asthe symbols you would like to use as the data separators.
Step 5: After tweaking your settings, tap the blue Export button.
Step 6: Decide where you would like to save the converted document. Youcan either choose from the Recent Folders already available or tap the Choose aDifferent Folder button. On the popup window, hit the Save button.
2. Convert PDF to Excel without Software
1Use Online PDF to Excel Converter
If you would like to use a PDF to Excel converter online, you should try The free tool offers great results when it comes to converting PDF files to Excel documents. According to the website, all the converted files are deleted soon after the conversion.
You can use the online program to convert PDF files of all sizes.Your data will be extracted accurately in columns and rows for Excel. Theconverted (.xlsx) can be used with different Microsoft Excel versions,including 7, 10, and 13 and other office suites compatible with MS Office,including LibreCalc, and OpenCalc.
The fact that you will not be required to create an account makes the whole process much easier and less time-consuming. Tolearn how to convert PDF to Excel using an online PDF to Excel converter,follow the steps outlined below:
Step 1: Open your computer web browser and visit On thehomepage, tap the gray Upload button. This should be available on the left-handside. It is also possible to drag and drop your file. You can also select thedocument from Google Drive, OneDrive, or Dropbox.
Step 2: After selecting the file you wish to convert from PDF to excel,click Open. This option will be available on the lower right corner.
Step 3: After uploading the PDF file, the online program will startconverting it automatically. During the conversion process, you should see awhite text indicating that the conversion is in progress. After the conversion,you should see a Free Download button.
Step 4: Click the Free Download button. This will initiate the (.xslx)file download. You can go ahead and open the file using your Microsoft Excel.
2Importing Data into Excel Directly to Convert PDF
It is possible to change the PDF document into Excel using the MicrosoftExcel application. You will, however, need to save the PDF as a text documentfirst. This will make it much easier for Microsoft Excel to import it. To learnhow to convert PDF to Excel via the Microsoft Excel software, follow the stepswe have outlined below:
Step 1: Download the Adobe Reader and install it on your computer. AdobeReader can be downloaded free of charge from the Adobe website.
Step 2: Open the PDF file you wish to convert into Excel using the AdobeReader. Next, select File > Save as Text. After selecting a destination,click Save. Your PDF file will be saved as a Text file.
Step 3: Open Microsoft Excel.
Step 4: Tap the Import button.
Step 5: Select the type of file you would like to import data from. Forour case, you will need to select the text file.
Step 6: Navigate to the text file you saved in step 2 above. Afterselecting the file, tap Get Data. This should open the Text Import Wizard.
Step 7: Follow the onscreen instructions to format the imported data.Select the type of delimiter for the data (how the values in the PDF textshould be separated) and the worksheet column format. After selecting therequired options on the 3 pages available on the wizard, tap Next to proceed.
Step 8: Click the Finish button after going through the conversionwizard.
Step 9: Tap Existing Sheet to import the data into the existing blankdocument. Next, tap OK.
Step 10: Save the worksheet.
3Use an Excel Add-In
If you are yet to find an ideal method that can help you convertPDF to Excel, you can try installing an extension for the Microsoft officesuite. One of the extensions you can consider trying is known as Kutools. Theextension has a full-featured 45 days free trial. This should give you enoughtime to convert as many PDFs into Excel as possible. After installing theKutools extension, follow the steps below to learn how to convert PDF to Excel:
Convert Adobe To Excel
Step 1: Select and copy the table available on the PDF file. LaunchExcel and paste the table into an Excel sheet cell.
Pdf To Excel Converter Online
Step 2: The table contents will be listed in one column of the sheet. Goahead and click Kutools > Range > Transform Range.
Step 3: In the Transform Range dialog, you will need to check the single column to the range. In the Transform type section, check Fixed Value and then enter the fixed value in the available textbox.
Step 4: Click OK to select the single cell where you would like to placethe transformed range.
Convert Pdf Table To Excel
Step 5: After clicking OK, the PDF table will be converted into an Exceltable.
If you have been having issues with converting your PDF files intoExcel sheets, you should find a good solution in this article. Before trying anonline solution, try using a free trial version of a computer program. Comparedto online solutions, computer programs do offer much better results.Additionally, computer programs help you avoid sharing your information withthird-party websites.
Convert Adobe Table To Excel
Obviously, when using an online program to convert PDF to Excel or other files like Word or Powerpoint, you will have to upload your PDF file to a remote server. While the owners of the online program may assure you that they will delete the files, there is no guarantee that they won’t look at your data.